Libraries (Item Access Rights)

A library defines the rights for all of the items in it. The library always has an owner and also has access rights defined for it. To assure that all items have well-defined rights, every item always belongs to a home library in the same way as computer files belong to folders in Windows.

Managing Libraries
The access rights of an item in SystemWeaver are controlled by both the server's system-wide Security level setting (optional) and the Library security ...
Thu, 23 May, 2024 at 8:07 PM
Creating a Library
The access rights of an item in SystemWeaver are controlled by library security settings as described in Managing Libraries. New libraries are created in Ma...
Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 at 2:53 PM
Which Library Does the Item Belong to?
All items and parts in SystemWeaver are assigned to a library as this is how access rights are maintained. Finding out which library an item belongs to can ...
Thu, 26 Nov, 2020 at 1:50 PM
Access Rights to Libraries
Once a library is created, the access rights to it can be set. This is administered via Manage Libraries.  Access Right Options Inherit Access Rights Fro...
Wed, 12 Jun, 2024 at 12:40 PM
Moving Items to Another Library
The access rights of an item in SystemWeaver are controlled by library security settings as described in Managing Libraries. The need to change the access r...
Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 at 12:24 PM
Changing the Owner of a Library
In SystemWeaver, all items and libraries have an owner. The owner is typically the user who created the item or library, but it can also be changed later on...
Wed, 9 Oct, 2019 at 4:46 PM
Deleting a Library
The access rights of an item in SystemWeaver are controlled by library security settings as described in Managing Libraries. When you remove a library from ...
Thu, 5 Apr, 2018 at 9:23 AM