
Save document pdf and xml export through API


Is there a way to generate document pdfs through the API and save them locally?

Also, is there a way to invoke the Export to XML functionality and save the xml file locally through API?




No, neither are possible to do with the API. However, their is a standalone tool called swExport.exe which we can provide that can be used for the XML Export. It should give you what you need. Just email [email protected] if you would like to receive it. 


Systemite Support



No, neither are possible to do with the API. However, their is a standalone tool called swExport.exe which we can provide that can be used for the XML Export. It should give you what you need. Just email [email protected] if you would like to receive it. 


Systemite Support

Does that mean we can trigger self-configured XML Exports (XMI,ReqIF) for a structure to run through?

Yes please send it.
Otherwise this a feature which should be highly considered to integrate in the API.
We need to export in the future around 100 files at once (PDF,XMI,ReqIF) and manual it´s not possible to handle.

Hi Manuel, 

The swExport tool cannot be used to output XMI or ReqIF. It produces XML files. 

We appreciate all your feedback and have taken note of the needs that you have described. 


Systemite Support

But this is exactly what we need. So API support for this would be a final goal.

We had the idea to create an extension which calls your internal functions to export XMI/Print/ReqIF etc.

Do you know which functions it is? How to find this out?

Hi Manuel,

The Report, Grid, XML and Charts functionalities are not exposed through the API. They are only available through the client. The request has been made before and although it is a good idea and something we would like to incorporate in the API, there are no plans in the near future to implement this.



Business analyst, 

Product development

Ok but is there the possibility to get information on how to call the functions inside the client when programming a plugin?

Hi Manuel,

It is the same with the Extensions API. These functions are not exposed there either.



Business analyst, 

Product development

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