
Script filer och API

Kan man köra script filer som ligger i SystemWeaver med API anrop?


Currently, it is not possible to use our scripting language through the API. There are some calls like SWConnection.Instance.Broker.Q.GetItemsAsDataTable where you can specify a filter as an argument. However, this does not provide access to our entire scripting language, but only a small subset used for the filtering. This subset is described in the Filters section of the SystemWeaver Script Language Reference in the Help.


1 Comment


Currently, it is not possible to use our scripting language through the API. There are some calls like SWConnection.Instance.Broker.Q.GetItemsAsDataTable where you can specify a filter as an argument. However, this does not provide access to our entire scripting language, but only a small subset used for the filtering. This subset is described in the Filters section of the SystemWeaver Script Language Reference in the Help.


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