Kan man köra script filer som ligger i SystemWeaver med API anrop?
SystemWeaver Support
超过6年 以前
Currently, it is not possible to use our scripting language through the API. There are some calls like SWConnection.Instance.Broker.Q.GetItemsAsDataTable where you can specify a filter as an argument. However, this does not provide access to our entire scripting language, but only a small subset used for the filtering. This subset is described in the Filters section of the SystemWeaver Script Language Reference in the Help.
1 Comment
SystemWeaver Support
超过6年 以前
Currently, it is not possible to use our scripting language through the API. There are some calls like SWConnection.Instance.Broker.Q.GetItemsAsDataTable where you can specify a filter as an argument. However, this does not provide access to our entire scripting language, but only a small subset used for the filtering. This subset is described in the Filters section of the SystemWeaver Script Language Reference in the Help.
Stacey Hwasser
Kan man köra script filer som ligger i SystemWeaver med API anrop?
Currently, it is not possible to use our scripting language through the API. There are some calls like SWConnection.Instance.Broker.Q.GetItemsAsDataTable where you can specify a filter as an argument. However, this does not provide access to our entire scripting language, but only a small subset used for the filtering. This subset is described in the Filters section of the SystemWeaver Script Language Reference in the Help.
SystemWeaver Support
Currently, it is not possible to use our scripting language through the API. There are some calls like SWConnection.Instance.Broker.Q.GetItemsAsDataTable where you can specify a filter as an argument. However, this does not provide access to our entire scripting language, but only a small subset used for the filtering. This subset is described in the Filters section of the SystemWeaver Script Language Reference in the Help.
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