
Get enum attribute value description

Values in an Enumeration attribute can contain a name, color and description. I've managed to get the name and color through IswAttributeType but I don't see any way of getting the descriptions. Is this possible and if so, how do you get the value descriptions?


Release R25 is now available. A description of how to get the enum descriptions is available in How to Get Enumeration Attribute Value Information.

Best regards, 


Systemite Support

Hi Alexander, 

Currently, the only way to get descriptions is to set them via the Architect interface. 


Just wanted to let you know that now so you don't have to wait for answer. If a way to get the description is developed, we can let you know! 

Thank you, 

Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.

Hi Alexander, 

With our next release, R25, which will be available very soon, you will be able to get the enumeration value descriptions. Just wanted to give you a heads up! 



Systemite Support


Release R25 is now available. A description of how to get the enum descriptions is available in How to Get Enumeration Attribute Value Information.

Best regards, 


Systemite Support

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