
Last Changed date isn't updating

When I set the status on an item to"Released" the Last Changed date doesn't update. How do I get the date to update?



We have two Last Changed dates. The first is for the content of the item: LastChanged. The second is for the item's status: StatusLastChanged. We distinguish between these two. So, when you change the status of an item, it is the StatusLastChanged that will update.

item.LastChanged; // Timestamp for last change to item content.
item.StatusLastChanged; // Timestamp for last change to item status. 

Hope this information is helpful.

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We have two Last Changed dates. The first is for the content of the item: LastChanged. The second is for the item's status: StatusLastChanged. We distinguish between these two. So, when you change the status of an item, it is the StatusLastChanged that will update.

item.LastChanged; // Timestamp for last change to item content.
item.StatusLastChanged; // Timestamp for last change to item status. 

Hope this information is helpful.

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