We are using a computed attribute that combines other attribute values. Using the client, this attribute is displayed correctly, however when using the API to read the attribute value with item.Attribute(SID).ValueAsString we get an empty string as result.
Is this an error or are we doing something wrong?
SystemWeaver Support
约6年 以前
Hi Stacey,
It is not possible to read computed attribute values using the API. Computed attribute calculation is only done in the client as it requires the help of the attribute editor to be able to read it.
Thank you,
Systemite Support
1 Comment
SystemWeaver Support
约6年 以前
Hi Stacey,
It is not possible to read computed attribute values using the API. Computed attribute calculation is only done in the client as it requires the help of the attribute editor to be able to read it.
Stacey Hwasser
We are using a computed attribute that combines other attribute values. Using the client, this attribute is displayed correctly, however when using the API to read the attribute value with item.Attribute(SID).ValueAsString we get an empty string as result.
Is this an error or are we doing something wrong?
Hi Stacey,
It is not possible to read computed attribute values using the API. Computed attribute calculation is only done in the client as it requires the help of the attribute editor to be able to read it.
Thank you,
Systemite Support
SystemWeaver Support
Hi Stacey,
It is not possible to read computed attribute values using the API. Computed attribute calculation is only done in the client as it requires the help of the attribute editor to be able to read it.
Thank you,
Systemite Support
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