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Graphical all references

It is possible to visualize the relation between all references of an item. To describe how this works we have set up a simplified SystemWeaver graph. One use of this graph is to follow a specific reference path among the whole references, which you can't get easily using All References view.


All references graph

Graph definition:

Graph definition


It is required that you are running a  SystemWeaver client version 2017-09-01 09.18 - 20324 or later, because this graph conflagration uses /*back:: which was not supported before.


  • Using "/*back::"  is not always suitable, especially if an item has a large number of references, because it consumes resources and take time to be performed, in such case, it is better if you use a condition to control the number of reference level (contact us if you would like to know more how to do it).
  • /*back:: has been used in this graph definition which contains two parts,  the first part is the axis ‘/back::’ which returns a list of all items which include the current obj as the specified part. The second part is the operator ‘*’ which repeats the operation 0 or more times.


A. By doing the following..

Use instead:
<Edge from="." to="/back::" caption=" x:=/back-to-part::[/owner:: in $to]; x.Select(Type.Name).Join('').ToString +' ' + x.Select(SID).ToString " style="Part"/>



Q. How we can change the edge caption from '  ->' into PartName[Part_SID]?

Current edge definition:

<Edge from="." to="/back::" caption="$to.Type.Name + ' -> ' + $from.Type.Name" style="Part"/>



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