Configuration Examples

This folder contains XML definition examples.

How to Include Test Sequence List in a Report
The <TestSequenceList/> tag can be used to output all sequence tables in a Test Case in a report. It can be used on items and nodes. When used on node...
Wed, 8 Jul, 2020 at 1:26 PM
How to Script a Log
The XML tag <Log> enables you to output the progress or status text to a log window. This can be useful for tracing the progress of a report for examp...
Wed, 30 Jan, 2019 at 8:34 PM
Implicit Connections in Configurable Graph
This article includes an example of a configurable graph config item definition that includes an implicit connection (in-out port). The connection type mim...
Wed, 26 May, 2021 at 5:02 PM
Legends in Configurable Graphs
Our configurable Graph view provides an option to add a legend for the graph. A legend provides end users with an explanation of the graph objects (nodes, e...
Wed, 19 Oct, 2022 at 8:20 AM
Managing a List of Assets
This article provides example configurations for how to create and manage an assets list in SystemWeaver. Examples of assets that you may want to manage in ...
Tue, 3 Apr, 2018 at 12:59 PM
Managing Test Execution Time in a Test Model
If there is a need to manage test execution time, using an Integer attribute and a Computed attribute could be one solution.  In our example, the execut...
Thu, 26 Mar, 2020 at 1:36 PM
Mapping Item Connections in Configurable Graph
This article includes an example of a configurable graph config item definition that includes a mapping item connection. In other words, the connection is m...
Mon, 27 Sep, 2021 at 3:25 PM
Merging Cells in Grids vs. Tables
In a column, you can merge adjacent cells, but the argument used is different depending on if you are working in a table or grid. Below is one example for e...
Wed, 30 Jan, 2019 at 8:41 PM
Ordering by Part Number in Table/Grid
Parts in SystemWeaver have a property called PartNo which indicates a part's ordinal number within other parts of the same part type (part group). This ...
Wed, 31 Aug, 2022 at 3:17 PM
Parameter as Section Item in a Document
SystemWeaver reports can be parameterized as described in Parameterized Reports. However, setting a parameter in a Document is not possible using <Parame...
Wed, 15 Dec, 2021 at 10:45 AM