
Configure Item ribon tab to create a copy Item->Edit to new Item Tab

I've read articles about how to configure Item ribon tab.

I'm trying to create a unique tab Admins to initiate and populate a new product (top level item in metamodel) in a separate Item Tab.

To make it easy for admins I would like to make a ribbon group to look the same as <RibbonGroup caption="Edit">  in <ItemTab caption="Item"


So far this is what I've configured.

 <ItemTab caption="Product" context="Admins">
            <RibbonGroup caption="Edit">
                  <ItemView name="Copy" hideIfDisabled="true"/>
                  <ItemView name="Overview" hideIfDisabled="true"/>
                  <ItemView name="Attributes" hideIfDisabled="true"/>
                  <ItemView name="Parts" hideIfDisabled="true"/>
              <RibbonGroup caption="Initiate Product">
                  <ItemView name="Grid" configItem="3PTA:GenStructProd" hideIfDisabled="true"/>

And this is what I've achived:



How do I get the drop down in 'Overview' ? 


Also, how do I get hold on theimage

Looking forward to see if someone have a solution for this.

Best Regards

Stefan Edvardsson

1 Comment

Hi Stefan, 

It's a great idea, and we do have this as a feature request in our backlog. It is not possible today to add these to a custom tab. 

We will definitely let you know when and if it becomes possible. 

Thanks for submitting your topic! 

SystemWeaver Support

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