An Issue is a SystemWeaver object intended for the management of administrative processes and activities like change requests, problem reports or work tasks, as part of a Change Management System Project in SystemWeaver. The project defines the issue types, issue attributes, workflows and relations that apply for all Issues in the project.

New issues can be created from three difference locations within the swExplorer interface: 

  • Using the New issue option on the Items ribbon, in which case an Item reference will be included automatically.
  • In the Projects tab, without selecting an item, in which case the Project property will be included automatically and a reference to an item can be created at a later time.
  • Using the Issues view

It is also possible to create new issues from within a configured Grid view, although that requires some configuration. 


  • You must have "Write" access rights to the CMS project.

Creating an Issue Using With Item Reference

To create an issue that references a specific item upon creation, select the item in the structure tree and click the New issue option on the Items ribbon.


The New Issue dialog will display and it will include the reference to the selected item in the Relations list.

Core Properties

The core properties of a new issue are required to create a new issue:

  • ProjectSelect the CMS Project of the issue. If the issue was created from the Project tab, this value will be pre-selected.
  • TypeSelect the issue type (these are defined for the specific CMS Project).
  • Name: Enter a name for the issue.

Status Properties

These properties are not required when you create an issue and can be set at a later time if desired:

  • Status: Select a status of the issue (the available options are tied to the Type of issue).
  • Assigned to: Select an available user or group of the selected project. This is done in the Select User(s) dialog.
  • Iteration: If the selected Project uses iterations, this can be set. See Using Iterations in Projects for more on Iterations.

Issue Attributes

The issue attributes, defined according to the selected issue type, can be set if desired. However, any attributes displaying a must be populated in order to create the issue. Depending on the type of attribute, the value can be typed in a text box, selected in a drop-down menu, or selected in a specialized dialog using the Change button.

The Relationships section lists relations to items and other issues.

Note:  Issue relation types that allow a single value (single, or "0..1" multiplicity) are included in the list of attributes.

The Description box contains the description of the issue. If a description template has been defined for the issue type, you get the option to choose one or to start with an empty description. Alternatively, you can wait and make a selection after the issue has been created.

When all required values have been filled in, click Create to create the new issue.

If you use the Create and open alternative, you will be redirected to the Issues view with the new issue displayed.

Creating an Issue in the Project

An issue can also be created from within a project. You can either click on New issue on the Projects tab. 

Or, right-click anywhere in a selected issue view and select New issue

Set the properties in the New Issue dialog as described above. 

There is also an option called Another issue which opens the New issue dialog, with all options pre-filled according to the selected issue. This option is valuable in case you need to create an issue that is similar to an existing, and will save you time.

Once created, when you are ready to tie together an issue and an item, simply select the issue in Projects and hit Ctrl+C. Then, navigate to the item in the structure tree, select it and hit Ctrl+V to paste the Issue Reference

Alternatively, you can hit Ctrl+C on the item in the structure tree, then navigate to the issue in Projects, right-click in Relationships and select Paste Item Reference(s).

The issues references by an item can be viewed at any time in the Issues view. 

Using the Issues View

Issues can also be creating using the right-click context menu in the Issues view. 

What's Next?

Learn more about creating references to items and issues.