
Partly Depricate part: Prevent create New item but allow Add item

Background: There's an item representing an area for specific item types. This item allows creation of requirements and requiremet groups, as well as adding the same within this aarea.

Need: The item representing an area should be able to add analysis requirements but not create new analysis requirement directly within the item representing an area. The reason for not allowing to create new analysis requirement in the item representing an are is that there is a specific analysis architecture area where all analysis requirements shall be created.


Hi Stefan,

From version R23 (19884) it is possible to restrict add and new for specific part types. You can do this in the architect.

Select "Edit Config" for a part type and add a configuration:


The configurations allowed are: 


If AllowAddPart is set to false the GUI in the SystemWeaver client will not allow "Add" for this part type.



If AllowNewPart is set to false the GUI in the SystemWeaver client will not allow "New" for this part type.



    <AllowAddPart value="false"/>

    <AllowNewPart value="false"/>


Best regards



This was exactly what I was looking for. :-)


Hi Stefan,

From version R23 (19884) it is possible to restrict add and new for specific part types. You can do this in the architect.

Select "Edit Config" for a part type and add a configuration:


The configurations allowed are: 


If AllowAddPart is set to false the GUI in the SystemWeaver client will not allow "Add" for this part type.



If AllowNewPart is set to false the GUI in the SystemWeaver client will not allow "New" for this part type.



    <AllowAddPart value="false"/>

    <AllowNewPart value="false"/>


Best regards


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