
Overview of meta model

I’m working on an API program. Is there a way to get an overview of the meta model? In a UML diagram or similar?


Hi Jesper,

I'm running an old version of EA (7.0...). This is how it works there:

Create a new Project - which includes class diagrams.

Import the XMI file which gives a SystemWeaver meta model package:


This package contains all classes (item types) in the meta model. To make sense of this, you create a diagram and add all classes that you want to see (drag and drop).


Relations are part of the class and are visualized when both sides of the relationship are present in the diagram.


Let me know if that worked.

Best regards


In the SystemWeaver architect there is an XMI export.


This XMI file can be imported in to, for instance, Enterprise Architect to view the meta model in UML.

I downloaded the Enterprise Architect Trial and imported our meta model inside the "Getting Started" project and have spent 30 minutes trying to figure out how to visualize the imported data. Do you have any hints for a beginner of EA? It's huge... :-)


Hi Jesper,

I'm running an old version of EA (7.0...). This is how it works there:

Create a new Project - which includes class diagrams.

Import the XMI file which gives a SystemWeaver meta model package:


This package contains all classes (item types) in the meta model. To make sense of this, you create a diagram and add all classes that you want to see (drag and drop).


Relations are part of the class and are visualized when both sides of the relationship are present in the diagram.


Let me know if that worked.

Best regards


Yes, thank you, I created a new project with UML2->Class checked, imported the XMI file, created a new class diagram, selected and copied all item classes to the diagram and then found a way for EA to move things around for me: mark all class boxes with Ctrl-A, right click and choose "Layout Selected Elements". It's still not perfect, but I can probably move around a bit manually to reduce the number of crossing lines.

I had hoped for a fully automatic way to do this, but maybe this is the best we have right now?

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