No longer supported.

This article describes new features, improvements and fixes included in this release of SystemWeaver. When upgrading, we recommend that all client and server applications be upgraded as some bug fixes and/or enhancements require this. 


These release notes are also available in a Word document as well as a SystemWeaver XML file. Both are attached below.

Note: Special attention should be given to the items highlighted in yellow as they will require additional planning/steps for your organization pre and/or post-upgrade if the view/tool affected is being used in your installation.


User Group
Issue ID
swAdmin2: Account type selection

When activating a new or existing account, you will now clearly specify which license type the account should use: Read/Write or Read-only. 

This information will display in the Status column in the Users list: 


Accounts that are deactivated have a status of "Disabled".

Note: As before, if you select Read-only and there are only Read/Write licenses available, a Read/Write license will be used.

swAdmin2: Clarification of non-admin capabilitiesImprovements have been made to ensure that non-administrator user capabilities in the swAdmin tool are limited to the preference settings available to them in the swExplorer:
  • Logging in
  • Changing their own Name
  • Changing their own email 
  • Changing their own password

Note that non-administrator users can also obtain the Server ID information which is needed during license set-up.


SwAdmin2: Search and filter in Roles

It is now possible to search in the Users in role list when viewing a Role membership. 

In addition, more user properties, e.g., Network id, E-mail, Active status, etc. are displayed.



Login: Improved user disabled dialogThe dialog presented to users whose account has been deactivated is now improved and instructs them to contact their SystemWeaver Administrator.




API/Rest API Users

User Group
Issue ID
API Upgrade from 1.51 to 1.52The SystemWeaver API has been upgraded from version 1.51 to version 1.52. This will require that all users receive and utilize the R36 version of the client applications (swExplorer, swAdmin2, swArchitect). In addition, this requires that any API applications and extension views developed in-house be recompiled with the newer version SystemWeaverClientAPI and/or SystemWeaverExtensionsAPIImprovementAPI/Rest API/Extension API Users15041
API: Option to log in with AD credentials

It is now possible to log in with the API using Windows username and password from a computer that is not connected to Windows AD.

SWConnection.Instance.ServerMachineName = "localhost";

SWConnection.Instance.ServerPort = 1768;

SWConnection.Instance.AuthenticationMethod = AuthenticationMethod.NetworkCredentials;

SWConnection.Instance.LoginName = "windows-username";

SWConnection.Instance.Password = "windows-password";


If you specify AuthenticationMethod = AuthenticationMethod.NetworkCredentials, then the Windows username and password are used for authentication, instead of the SystemWeaver username and password. If correct, the user will be logged in as the SystemWeaver user associated with given Windows user.

Note that while the client does not have to be connected to the AD, the Server has to have access to Windows AD or this will not work.

Note: The method SWConnection.Instance.AuthenticationMethod 

replaces the method SWConnection.Instance.UseNetworkAuthentication which has been marked as obsolete.

If you want to use network authentication, set

SWConnection.Instance.AuthenticationMethod = AuthenticationMethod.NetworkAuthentication;

The default behavior, which is to validate with SystemWeaver username/password, is the same as before and corresponds to

SWConnection.Instance.AuthenticationMethod = AuthenticationMethod.SystemWeaverCredentials;

ImprovementAPI/Rest API Users14791
API: Support for .NET 5.0 single file deploymentWe have adjusted our API to allow for .NET 5.0 Single file deployment.ImprovementAPI/Rest API Users

Extension API: XML documentation

Documentation containing methods that can be used by the SystemWeaverExtensionsAPI will now be included in deliveries as a resource for in-house developers of extension views. 


This is a first version and more information may be included in future releases.
Rest API: Endpoint for Attribute Types

There are now endpoints for attribute types so you can get, patch and post:


Get attribute type by handle:

GET restapi/attributetypes/{handle}

Get attribute type by SID:

GET restapi/attributetypes/sid/{sid}

Get information about an attribute type including lists of associated item types and part types:

GET restapi/attributetypes/{handle}/full

Get list with extended information about AttributeType: 

GET attributetypes/extended

Update an attribute type:

PATCH /restapi/attributetypes/{handle}

Properties that cannot be changed are:

  • Handle
  • DataType
  • Data dimension
  • SID

Create a new attribute type:

POST /restapi/attributetypes

ImprovementAPI/Rest API Users14735, 14734, 14969, 14726, 14732, 14978
Rest API: Endpoint for libraries

The following endpoints have been added for libraries:

Get all libraries and sub-libraries for a structure by handle:

GET libraries/{Handle}/tree

Get root library information:

GET /restapi/libraries/root/full

Get root library tree:

GET /restapi/libraries/root/tree

Update a library:

PATCH /restapi/libraries/{handle}

Properties that cannot be changed are:

  • Handle
  • DataType
  • Data dimension
  • SID

Create a new library:

POST /restapi/libraries

ImprovementAPI/Rest API Users13961, 13959, 13962, 13960
Rest API: Endpoint for users

It is now possible to modify these additional user properties using the existing endpoint:

  • Username
  • Name
  • Add user to a role
  • Remove user from a role

PATCH /restapi/users/{handle}

ImprovementAPI/Rest API Users13967, 13966
Rest API: No logging when run as serviceThis fixes an issue with logging when running the Rest API as a Windows service.Bug fixAPI/Rest API Users15037, 15076
RestAPI: Unable to authenticate using passwords with special charactersThis fixes an issue where users were unable to authenticate with passwords that contained special characters.Bug fixAPI/Rest API Users



User Group
Issue ID
swArchitect: Reporting abstract and deprecated item types

The Database Status Report available in the swArchitect now includes information about whether an item type is abstract, and whether an item type or part type is deprecated. 

Complete Part Types: Added Columns for abstract and deprecatedThe view now displays if an item or part type is deprecated, and if an item type is abstract.

Configure the explorer: Filtering optionThere is now a filter tool for the Item views list so that you can filter against the Group and Caption values.

Icons: New type icons

The following new Type icons have been added. They can be used as image icons for item, part, and issue  types, as well as for multi-instance configurable views, and plugins:

ItemAttributeColumn: Not working as intended

The fixes issues where ItemAttributeColumn wasn't working as intended with RowObject in grids.

  • The ItemAttributeColumn appeared gray and readOnly="false" was not working
  • The color of an attribute (in the ItemAttributeColumn) was not working
Bug fixArchitects14444
PartType config: Deactivate Create new option on Open item if restrictedWhen a part is configured in the swArchitect to not allow users to create new items for that part type in the structure tree, the restriction is now also applied to the Create new item option in the Open item dialog when adding parts. The dialog now checks if the part type configuration has restrictions on AllowNewPart, and if so, the Create new item option will be grayed out.
PartType config: New AllowRemovePart constraint

An AllowRemovePart constraint is now available for part type configuration.

The constraints are expressed by an XML element:

<AllowRemovePart value=""/>

Valid attribute values are 'true' (default) or 'false'.

The <AllowRemovePart> tag defines if it is possible to perform a Delete or Remove part(s) action in the GUI, i.e., delete a part.

Path query: Improved error message for PathInTagWriter

The error message for PathInTagWriter (used in the configurable views) is improved to contain more information about the error.



Path query: Library and access right

The following methods, object properties, and operators have been added to the Query Language to retrieve data related to library and access rights. 


  • Admins
  • AllUsers
  • GetUserAccess
  • Groups
  • Users
  • User

Object Properties

  • Owner (Valid for: item, issue, attachment, node, HomeLibrary)


  • in

Example Graph

See Viewing Library and Access Rights for more examples.

Path query: Min and MinByDate methods

Two new Path Query methods are supported: Min and MinByDate, corresponding to the already available Max and MaxByDate methods. 


Returns the minimum value in a set of integer values.

[Integer].Min -> Integer




Returns the objects from the list with the oldest date property.

[a].MinByDate(a -> date) -> [a]



Script language: ItemGroup in Context

The SystemWeaver <Context/> now supports the use of ItemGroup, which results in reducing the context size in the use case where AddParts is only added for structuring items.


<Context name="context1">

  <ItemGroup name="g1" select="/SID1/SID2..."/>

  <AddParts owner="g1" sid="SECL" part="req" defobj="requirement"/>

  <AddParts owner="main" sid="SECT" part="sect" defobj="section"/>


Script language: Variable "as" supports additional data types

The "as" attribute in <Variable> and <Parameter> (Function's Parameter) now supports additional data types, aside from Item, Integer and String. With R36, the supported data types are:


  • [xxx] creates list of type xxx


  • Boolean
  • String
  • Date
  • Float
  • Integer
  • Int64
  • Item
  • Part
  • Node
  • User
  • Issue
  • Object


  • Items (for a list of items or instead one can use [Item]).


<Variable name=".." as="[User]" select="..">

<Variable name=".." as="User" select="..">

<Function name="fun1" as="String">

  <Parameter name="para1" as="[User]"/>


  <Value select="$para1 ..."/>


XML Import/Export: Include Reg exp pattern

The Reg exp pattern for attributes of string data type is now included in meta model XML exports (incl. via Metamodel Cutter in swArchitect) and will then also be included in meta model imports.

Reg exp is now also included in Metamodel Diff. 

ImprovementArchitects14724, 14744

IT Administrators

User Group
Issue ID
Issues: Add note by Viewer causes server out of sync This fixes an out of sync server when a Viewer user with Write access to a Project attempts to add a Note to an issue.Bug fixIT Admins15082
Server: Better error handling during initializationThere is now improved handling of errors during server initialization.ImprovementIT Admins14890
Jira: Plugin updatedAn upgrade to R36 will require an update of the Jira plugin (swtabid) from version 1.0.5 to 1.0.6 if it is being used in your system. ImprovementIT Admins14756, 14853


User Group
Issue ID
Add Part: Grid doesn't load in frontWhen adding a part that inherits from an abstract item using a configured add part grid, the list of recommended parts did not load in front. Instead, the Select Type dialog displayed in front with the configured grid behind it. This has been fixed.Bug fixUsers14146
Component Graph: Upgrade of reference dlls

The ComponentGraph extension view reference dlls have been upgraded. The upgrade results in the following improvements: 

  • Less edge crossing
  • Improved placement of edge labels
  • Increased performance

In addition, it lays the groundwork for future improvements to the extension. 

Configurable graphs: Various improvements

The following improvements have been made to the configurable graph view. 

The menu options previously located in a right-click context menu are now available on a toolbar at the top of the view. 

Similar to when working in the structure tree, the Graphs view now interacts more with the standard options on the Items ribbon. 

Open and Copy

When selecting a node in the graph, the Open and Copy options on the Items ribbon are now also available for more interactivity.

You can also use their respective shortcuts, e.g., Ctrl+C, Ctrl+O, etc. 

Copying an object in the graph, i.e., node, port,..etc., using Ctrl+C or the right-click Copy ID(s) option will put the object(s) unique ID on your clipboard. You can then, for example, use Ctrl+G to find all occurrence in the structure tree, paste it in an email, etc. 

Multi-select is supported as well, as shown above. 


With the graph view in focus, you can use the Find menu group options (including the Ctrl+F shortcut) to find objects in the graph.

Add Note

With the graph view in focus, you can use Add note to add a note to the selected item.


A new style for indicating selection of node and parent node has been introduced. 

It is possible to select ports now and copy them if needed.

In addition, the "SGraphML" file format for exports has been deprecated.

ImprovementUsers15000, 15003, 15042, 15074
Enum attribute: Incorrect display symbolThe & symbol in an enum value was displaying incorrectly in the pick list.Bug fix


Grid: Regenerates with each click of selected itemWhen you re-selected an item in the structure tree with a grid loaded, the grid was regenerating each time. It now only generates the one time, as it should.Bug fixUsers

Image editor: Various improvements

Improvements have been made to the image editor which can be used to decrease image size. There is now a Scale option that can be utilized. Also, the Image preview now adjusts visually when you scale the size.

Note: The primary purpose of the editor is to reduce an image's size. If an image fits within the overall description size limit, i.e., no "excessive data size" message is thrown, then a quick resizing of an image's height and width can be done directly in the Description. The editor is not needed for this purpose. 



Jira: Various enhancements

Some enhancements to the plugin have been made: 

  • Support for creating sub-issues
  • Support for creating Epic link
  • Support for mandatory custom field types when creating a Jira issue
  • Support for linking and creating Jira issues to test case results
ImprovementUsers14756, 14853, 14984, 14988
Result grid: Remove column throws exceptionThis fixes an issue where a FColumns.Count exception was thrown after removing a column from the grid.Bug fixUsers14689
TestSequenceList: Incorrect Sequence # in reportsThis fixes an issue where the sequence numbering in the GUI did not match that displayed in reports when you had deleted sequences and added new ones.Bug fixUsers14903
Welcome: Handling of javascript errorsThe Welcome home page now suppresses javascript errors.Bug fixUsers14859
XML Import: Long config names cut-offThis fixes an issue where longer configuration names were cut-off in the drop-down list.Bug fixUsers13575