No longer supported. |
This document describes new features, improvements and fixes included in this release of SystemWeaver. We recommend upgrading both the clients and the server as some of the new features and fixes will require it.
The RAM recommendations have been clarified for hardware:
Note: Special attention should be given to the items highlighted in yellow as they will require additional planning/steps for your organization pre and/or post-upgrade if the view/tool affected is being used in your installation.
Name | Description | Type | User Group | Issue ID |
sw Admin2: Request password change by default | This fixes an issue with the Request password change by default option on the Security tab. It is now working as expected and applies when creating new user accounts. | Fix | Administrators | 12986 |
swAdmin2: Change case in username | It is now possible to change the case (lower/upper) of letters in a username as long as the name is still unique in the database, regardless of case. ![]() | Improvement | Administrators | 12619 |
swAdmin2: Improved access denied message for security level settings | Admin users who do not have access to modify a system’s Security level setting will now receive a more informative access denied message. | Improvement | Administrators | 12130 |
API Users
Name | Description | Type | User Group | Issue ID |
API: Value description required when creating EnumerationAttributeRange | An error will no longer be thrown when an enumeration attribute value description is left as null. Null values are acceptable. | Fix | API Users | 12914 |
API: New method for returning guids for all configurations | There is a new method on IswApplicationConfig: IEnumerable<Guid> GetAllGuids(); It returns all GUIDs used in the config. | Improvement | API Users | 13035 |
Extension API: Additional dialogs included | The following dialogs are now also available for use with the Extension API:
| Improvement | API Users | 13026 |
Name | Description | Type | User Group | Issue ID | |
Add Part Grid: Fix for missing icons | This fixes an issue where part icons were missing in Add part grids when the definition for the <ItemNameColumn> included an objectName variable. | Fix | Architects | 13008 | |
Script Language: ItemVersionChanges preview values | This fixes an issue where attribute types with binary data sometimes displayed garbled text when using <ItemVersionChanges>. To ensure readable text is always returned, we have clarified which attribute types will or will not return display values. For the following attribute types, a preview of the modified or added values is not available. Instead, the log will display "No preview available."
| Fix | Architects | 10588, 12203, 12212 | |
XhtmlDescription: Match mime type to image format | Previously the XHTML tag object always exported images with the mime type image/png. This is now fixed so that the mime type is correctly matching the file format. | Fix | Architects | 12941 | |
swArchitect: Unexplained differences in Metamodell Diff | This fixes an issue where some compared elements of items, parts and attributes were being flagged as different when using the Metamodel Diff tool when they were the same. | Fix | Architects | 12988 | |
Config Item: Ability to add Config Type SID to Grids and Structure Tree | It is now possible to add properties, e.g., name, SID, for a configured type to grids and the structure tree grid in the context of a config item. Field Code: ConfiguredType A config item is connected to a specific item type. This field code switches context from the configItem to the ConfiguredType Object. Structure Tree Example: Grid Example: <Grid> <Columns> <ItemNameColumn width="200"/> <TextColumn caption="Configuration Type">#{ConfiguredType.SID}</TextColumn> </Columns> <Row/> </Grid> | Improvement | Architects | 11956 | |
Reports: Styles for table headers | The SystemWeaver Script Language offers text <FontStyle> and paragraph <ParaStyle> style tags for formatting of table contents in reports and documents. These same FontStyle and ParaStyle elements can now be applied to table headers. More details about these elements can be found in the Help under XML TAG Reference - Report specific. | Improvement | Architects | 12839 | |
swArchitect: Part refactoring option for List to Single | Currently, there is a refactoring option in swArchitect to change part multiplicity from Single to List, but not List to Single. With R30, the refactoring tool GUI has been updated to support refactoring in both directions. Upon selecting the part type, the GUI will automatically display which multiplicity type you are going from and to. Note that these operations do not affect the data itself, only the meta model. When changing multiplicity from List to Single, if there are instances of multiple parts, a list of the items with the multiple parts will be presented in the bottom section of the screen. This list can be used as a reference when making changes to the data once the refactoring is completed. | Improvement | Architects | 12771 | |
FaultTreeGraph: Default configuration removed | The required configuration for this extension which has historical been hard-coded on the back-end is now to be included in the configuration set by Architects in Configure the explorer so as to provide more transparency of the configuration being applied. For the FaultTreeGraph extension to work properly, Architects must include the following configuration to the extension. Simply click on the View example XML button for the extension in Configure the explorer, copy the configuration, click on Edit Configuration and paste it in the Edit XML dialog there. Save your changes. <?xml version="1.0"?> <Configs> <FaultTreeGraphConfig> <ContainerItem sid="2CEU" /> <LeafItem sid="2CET" /> <ExternalEventItem sid="2CEV" /> <AndItem sid="2CLD" /> <OrItem sid="2CLO" /> <RootNodePart sid="2IFW" /> <LogicInputPart sid="2IFI" /> <TimeScaleAttribute sid="FRTS" /> <ProbabilityAttribute sid="FTAR" /> <TransferLabelAttribute sid="TRAN" /> </FaultTreeGraphConfig> </Configs> In addition, historically an attribute with SID=SIED was used to store names of Intermediate Events. Nowadays, the item name for the gates is used for this purpose so the SIED has been removed from the example XML. | Improvement | Architects | 12454, 13004 | |
Clone view: Unable to interact with scrollbars/column widths | This fixes an issue where users were unable to interact with scrollbars/columns when the Clone view configuration was defined as <IsEditable>False</IsEditable>. | Fix | Architects | 12896 | |
XML Generation: Handling of large XML files | When generating XHTML using the XMLs view, the resulting XHTML file output can potentially be extremely large. For improved handling, output files larger than 10 MB will not render on the XMLs View tab in the swExplorer. Instead, save the file to a suitable location for viewing. | Improvement | Architects | 12927 | |
XML import: Check for description changes | The XML import functionality now offers a way to check for description changes prior to importing. Previously, XML imports did not check for changes to the description and, therefore, if only the description was changed, it did not force a new version for released items. Now, you have the option to include a check of the description of a released item to see if it has changed. If the option is selected and there are changes to the description of a released item, the result will be to force a new version. The default setting is "False". | Improvement | Architects | 12928 | |
FaultTreeGraph: Multiple fixes | The R30 release includes a fix for an error which was sometimes thrown when running a report or viewing the document view and the FaultTreeGraph extension was being called. It also includes a fix for an error thrown when trying to add a new root element (Situation element, Logic AND or Logic OR) in the graph interface. In addition, if the option <ExternalEventItem> is not included in the FTA configuration, the option will not be included in the FTA context menus. | Fix | Architects | 13067, 13004, 13066 |
IT Administrators
Name | Description | Type | User Group | Issue ID |
Notification Server: Support for TLS 1.0 and 1.2* | The swNotificationServer server application now supports both TLS versions 1.0 and 1.2. IT Administrators configure the version in the swNotificationServer.ini using the UseTLS entry. Valued entries are 1 for version 1.0, 1_2 for version 1.2 and null if TLS is not used. | Improvement | IT Administrators | 13024 |
NotificationServer: Fix issue with use of system account | This fixes an issue where the notification server was killed when a slave server was started when both were being run as the SYSTEM account. All installations can now run their swNotificationServer using the SYSTEM account. | Fix | IT Administrators | 12764 |
Server: Configurable location for DLQ log file generation | You can nowdefine the file path for the .dlq file location in the swServer.ini. If left blank, the file will generate, as before, in the same location as the server executables. Note that the system account running the server must have write permissions to the directory being written to and the directory must exist. Otherwise, the server will not start. Example: DLQFileDirectory=C:\SystemWeaver\Prod_DLQ_files\ | Improvement | IT Administrators | 13020 |
Server: Queue instead of lock | The server has been optimized with respect to the handling of large numbers of concurrent reads and writes against the server. | Improvement | IT Administrators | 12998 |
Server: Updated handling of large data/description-ref updates | This fixes an issue when data for an item is updated and the data exceeds the allowed storage limit while at the same time description references are updated. When this occurred simultaneously, a server outage occurred in order to avoid data corruption. This scenario will no longer result is an outage. | Fix | IT Administrators | 12983 |
Slave Server: Upgrade required | In preparation for the second generation slave server (aka mirror server), organizations upgrading their main server to the R30 version must also ensure that all slave servers are upgraded to R30 as well. | Improvement | IT Administrators | 13099 |
swDatabaseManager: Test for max blob size | Updates of large amounts of data which may be entirely manageable from a SQL database perspective may not be manageable by the ODBC driver used. If this is the case, an error will occur and the server will need to be restarted. To confirm if a ODBC driver can manage these larger data updates, a test button has been included in the swDatabaseManager tool. | Improvement | IT Administrators | 12991 |
swExplorer: Runtime Error 217 when closing | This fixes a "Runtime Error 217" that sometimes was thrown after closing applications. | Fix | IT Administrators | 13006 |
TestNotificationServer: swTestNotificationServer now 64-bit | The swTestNotificationServer executable is now delivered in a 64-bit version only. | Improvement | IT Administrators | 12958 |
TestServer: Fix for autostart setting | The Autostart=True setting was no longer working with the swTestServer application. This has been fixed. | Fix | IT Administrators | 12911 |
Name | Description | Type | User Group | Issue ID |
Clone view: Unable to interact with scrollbars/column widths | This fixes an issue where users were unable to interact with scrollbars/columns when the Clone view configuration was defined as <IsEditable>False</IsEditable>. | Fix | Users | 12896 |
XML Generation: Handling of large XML files | When generating XHTML using the XMLs view, the resulting XHTML file output can potentially be extremely large. For improved handling, output files larger than 10 MB will not render on the XMLs View tab in the swExplorer. Instead, save the file to a suitable location for viewing. ![]() | Improvement | Users | 12927 |
XML import: Check for description changes | The XML import functionality now offers a way to check for description changes prior to importing. Previously, XML imports did not check for changes to the description and, therefore, if only the description was changed, it did not force a new version for released items. Now, you have the option to include a check of the description of a released item to see if it has changed. If the option is selected and there are changes to the description of a released item, the result will be to force a new version. The default setting is "False". | Improvement | Users | 12928 |
Attributes view: Restricted part attributes | This fixes an issue where attributes on parts that were set to Restricted were still displaying in the Attributes view. | Fix | Users | 13017 |
Attributes view: Valid date values in part attributes appear red | This fixes an issue where values for Date-type Part Attributes appeared red even when they were valid if the time setting on the user's machine differed from the format used to store the data in the database. The fix applies to all new values set using a client of release R30 or later and does not apply to values set using client versions prior to release R30. Data will now be stored in the proper format irrespective of the user's machine time setting. To obtain a clean-up script for values set prior to R30, contact [email protected]. Alternatively, users can clear the red coloring by manually reselecting the date in the date picker. | Fix | Users | 13016 |
Description: Problem with numbered lists output | This fixes an issue where copying a portion of a numbered list from one item to another item or to another location in the same description resulted in the numbering continuing across the lists. With the fix, the copied numbered list will restart at 1 in the new item/location. | Fix | Users | 13005 |
Description: Use of Font selector in editor for pasted-in text | This fixes an issue where selections in the Font drop-down in the description editor were not applying properly for some imported text. | Fix | Users | 12571 |
RM+ Light: Scaling of Context drop-down | This fixes an issue where the Context drop-down list was not adjusting to the width of the selected value so that the value was cut-off in all display scaling settings. This made it difficult to read and select a value. | Fix | Users | 12833 |
Reports: Scaling of Parameter drop-down | This fixes a scaling issue when using higher display settings, e.g., 125%, 150% where the Parameter drop-down list was not adjusting to the width of the selected value so that the value was cut-off. This made it difficult to read and select a value. | Fix | Users | 12890 |
PDF Print: Improved handling of Document preview | The Document Print Preview has been updated to better support preview of Document print jobs. Now, when you load Print Preview, the view will display the current Printer selection and accurately present a preview of the output based on the current settings. If the preview is not what you expect, click Settings and modify as needed, e.g., paper size. Once setting changes are saved in the Printer dialog, click OK and the preview will update to match your new settings. You can then proceed with printing using the Print button. Note: As before, the settings and printer selection are global in that they apply to all open pages in your SystemWeaver session. If you have multiple open pages set to the Print Preview view and you change the printer settings on one page and move to another, you will receive a message "Printer settings have changed. Click Refresh." Clicking Refresh will update the preview. | Improvement | Users | 12567 |
Generate documents: Unable to print to pdf | When batch printing a document list using Generate Documents, if one or more file paths are too long, the Windows PDF printer will not print. Users now receive a warning dialog when one or more file paths for their batch print job are too long. They can then change to a shorter file path for their pdf generation or consider modifying the item name to make it shorter. Similiarly, if users do not have write permissions to the location that they selected for their pdf output, they will now receive a warning dialog informing that this is the reason that they cannot print. They must select a location to which they have write permissions. | Improvement | Users | 13055 |
Insert references: Improvements to menu options | Improvements have been made to the paste options for item and part references. The Insert part reference menu option now allows you to multi-select and paste parts:
Overall, the insert menu options are clearer for pasting single and multiple item and part references. When pasting multiple part references, they will paste in order of part number. | Improvement | Users | 12852 |
Reports: Default file name for output to RTF | When saving a report as an RTF file, a default File name will be presented consisting of the itemname(version). Previously, no File name was suggested. Example: Function requirements(1).rtf | Improvement | Users | 12615 |
XML Generation: Default file name for Save As output | When saving a generated XML using the Save As... option, a default File name will be presented consisting of the itemname(version). Previously, no File name was suggested. | Improvement | Users | 12614 |
Projects: Addition of Project ID | The General tab in the Project menu now displays the selected project's ID. This information may be useful for API users who previously would have had to run a report to obtain the ID. | Improvement | Users | 12995 |
FaultTreeGraph: Multiple fixes | The R30 release includes a fix for an error which was sometimes thrown when running a report or viewing the document view and the FaultTreeGraph extension was being called. It also includes a fix for an error thrown when trying to add a new root element (Situation element, Logic AND or Logic OR) in the graph interface. In addition, if the option <ExternalEventItem> is not included in the FTA configuration, the option will now no longer be included in the FTA context menus. | Fix | Users | 13067, 13004, 13066 |
swExplorer: Runtime Error 217 when closing | This fixes a "Runtime Error 217" that sometimes was thrown after closing applications. | Fix | Users | 13006 |
* Use of the encryption option may require permission due to EU regulation. Please contact us for more information.