If your organization uses the Change Management System (CMS) Projects module and a SystemWeaver Notification Server is running in the installation, users will receive email notifications when the following updates are made to an issue.
Note: In order for email notifications to be received successfully, users must have valid email addresses populated in their SystemWeaver user profile. |
The Reporter of an issue will receive an email notification when the following occurs:
- Changes to the issue Status
- Changes to the issue Assigned To
- A Note is added
Assigned To
The current Assigned To user of an issue will receive an email notification when the following occurs:
- Changes to the issue Status
- An issue is assigned to them. (Assigned To)
- A Note is added
Changes that Trigger an email notification to Report and Assigned To:
Assignee(s) to Request for Status Change
Assignee(s) will receive an email notification when the following occurs:
- Assignee is added to a Request for status change: