If your organization uses the Change Management System (CMS) Projects module and a SystemWeaver Notification Server is running in the installation, users will receive email notifications when the following updates are made to an issue. 

Note: In order for email notifications to be received successfully, users must have valid email addresses populated in their SystemWeaver user profile.


The Reporter of an issue will receive an email notification when the following occurs: 

  • Changes to the issue Status
  • Changes to the issue Assigned To
  • A Note is added

Assigned To

The current Assigned To user of an issue will receive an email notification when the following occurs:

  • Changes to the issue Status
  • An issue is assigned to them. (Assigned To)
  • A Note is added

Changes that Trigger an email notification to Report and Assigned To: 

Assignee(s) to Request for Status Change

Assignee(s) will receive an email notification when the following occurs: 

  • Assignee is added to a Request for status change: