Information about related issues can be included in columns in a configured Grid view (or in a table in the Report view). This article provides examples of configurable grids containing information about issues linked to a selected item. They apply to the default issue-item relationship (SID=IR), but any issue-item relation that is defined can be included. This may be suitable, for example, when using the Issues view does not provide all of the information you need. 


A list of information tags that can be included in a grid and whether or not it is editable can be found in the application Help: 


In order to use IssueAttributeColumn in a table or grid, you must first assign a Project SID to the Project containing the attribute. This is done under Projects.

The value is then included as the project attribute, as shown in the below example.

Example Data

Example Configuration

    <ItemNameColumn width="150" objectName="item"/>     
    <IssueStatusColumn width="150" caption="Issue Status" objectName="issue"/>      
    <IssueIdColumn width="150" caption="Issue ID" objectName="issue"/>             
    <NameColumn width="150" caption="Issue Name" objectName="issue"/>       
    <IssueAttributeColumn width="150" caption="Estimated Cost" project="DEV1" type="COST"/>   
<TextColumn width="150" caption="LastChangedBy" objectName="issue">#{?LastChangedBy.RealName}</TextColumn> 
    <TextColumn width="150" caption="LastChangedDate" objectName="issue">#{?LastChanged.Format('')}</TextColumn>
  <ForEach select="/ITSR">
        <RowObject name="item">
            <ForEach select="/issueref::IR"> 
                <RowObject name="issue"/>

Example Result

What's Next? 

Learn more about grid-specific XML tags in the application Help.