The R25 release includes changes to the configuration of the Coverage Item -> Item view to allow for configuration of several mapping cases. As part of upgrading the client, the configuration of the view needs to be changed by a system Architect in Configure the explorer. When you view the entry in Configure the explorer after the upgrade, the item view will display a config error in the Visibility column: 

In order to allow for configuration of mappings, the following change needs to be made to the definition for each <CoverageViewConfig> instance:

  1. Remove the context definition.
  2. Reconfigure the mapping definition as shown below:

Old definition:

    <LeftItemType itemType="TECA" mappingPartType="TCRE"/>
    <RightItemType itemType="REQ"/>

New definition:

      <Mapping fromType="TECA" partType="TCRE" toType="REQ"/>

Once you close the Edit XML window, the config error message will be resolved. Navigating off of the Coverage Item -> Item entry on the Item views tab will remove the red text alert visual.

Another change to this configuration is the removal of the context definition tag. This must be removed when upgrading to the R25. 

Issue IDs: 11749, 11981