A structured and well-defined file can be parsed and translated into a SystemWeaver model.

Import Options

Depending on the format of the file, there are various solutions that are available:

  • Manual import of formatted text can be done by copying the text into the clipboard of Windows and pasting the text into an item description or Text/RVF attribute
  • Using the SystemWeaver API (Although a PDF importer feature is not offered at this time, you may be able to use the API to create a means to do this.)
  • XML-based files can be transformed using a custom application into the native SystemWeaver XML format that can be imported
  • Word files can be parsed and imported in a number of cases using an Importer program
  • Microsoft Excel files can be parsed and imported in a number of cases. Contact Systemite (support@systemite.se) to inquire about support.

Note: After the import, the original version of the information should be considered to be in SystemWeaver and the original file should be managed accordingly, for example, be deleted or marked as deprecated, typically by moving the file into a specific file system folder.

Import of PDF

Currently, it is not possible to import PDF files directly into SystemWeaver via the client. We suggest that they first be converted to MS Word files after which an Importer program can be used. Note that after import, there may be some data clean-up work needed. 

Reference and Attachment Options

Below are additional ways to bring information into SystemWeaver: 

Import a File as an Attachment in SystemWeaver

Many of the drawbacks of computer files can be neutralized if you manage the file in a proper file management system like a document management system or a file versioning system. SystemWeaver includes file management where files can be managed along with an item model. If you are interested, you can read more about the use of Attachments

Reference an External Document

You can create an item of a suitable type (ask your SystemWeaver administrator for advice) and use an External Reference attribute to point to a file.

Use a Hyperlink in a Description

You can include a reference to an external file or web location by using the Insert Hyperlink... option in the description editor in SystemWeaver. 

A nice thing about hypertext links is that the reference can be put into a clear context, where the purpose of the link becomes clear. 

Note: You must make sure that the referenced location is managed so that it won't brake in the future. If you create the link, you are responsible for assuring its validity.

Note: For the hyperlink to be clickable in PDF output, the URL must be used as the Hyperlink Text.