The Snapshot view is read-only, and can display a variety of information, such as Attributes, Description, Properties, and Traceability, Attachments, etc. for a selected item structure - all in one place. The view is configurable and supports multiple configurations if needed, which makes it a very useful "reader" view. The initial version included in the R41 release is a beta version, and some details might be changed in future versions. The view is delivered as a standard extension with all named releases. This article describes how to configure the view.


  • Familiarity with SystemWeaver concepts such as Items, Parts and Attributes
  • Knowledge of XML
  • Assignment of the SW Architect role in the server
  • An installation of the SystemWeaver Explorer client (swExplorer)
  • The SWExtension.Snapshot extension file is located in the Client's swExplorerExtensions directory
  • An installation of SystemWeaver version Gårda (R41) or later

Example Data

Configuring the View

  1. Go to File > Configure the explorer
  2. On the Item views tab, select the Snapshot view.
  3. Click View example XML and copy the script as a starting point for your configuration. 
  4. Click Edit configuration and paste the configuration in the Edit XML window. 
  5. Modify the configuration to meet the needs of the use case. (See the explanation of available elements below.)
  6. When you are ready to test and make it available to users, check the Active box. Users must log out and back in to see the new option.

Example Configuration

Below is example XML for the Snapshot view. It includes two instances/configurations of the view. Configuration "1" is generic, shows all part types, and will be available when selecting any sub-type of item type "I". Configuration "2" applies to requirements in the example data.


	<SnapshotConfig id="1">
			<Caption>Generic Snapshot</Caption>
			<Description>Snapshot reader</Description>
			<Image guiImage="384"/>
		<TopItemType itemType="I"/>

	<SnapshotConfig id="2">
			<Caption>Requirements Snapshot</Caption>
			<Description>A document view of requirements</Description>
			<Image typeImage="384"/>
		<TopItemType itemType="I"/>




Explanation of the Configuration Elements

<ViewSettings> enables you to set custom view labels, hovertips, images, etc. See How to Configure Item View Menu Label Settings.

The <SnapshotConfigs> and <SnapshotConfig> elements build the structure of the individual configurations. 

The id attribute identifies the specific configuration, and should be a string value and unique among the different configurations.

<TopItemType> defines the item type of which the configuration applies to. This definition is required. This value can be Item (SID: I) to activate the view on all items.

<DefiningParts> defines the SIDs of the parts that are always traversed and shown in the view. They constiutute the backbone of the data that is to be shown. If this tag is empty, then all parts will be shown.

<OrganizingParts> defines the SIDs of the parts that are always traveresed, but will only be shown if the Organizing parts checkbox is selected. An example of an organizing part is a requirements container. It usually does not have a semantic and is not central to the design. Instead, it is used for organizing data.

<AnchorParts> is used when multiple items are pointing to the same anchor item. The items are assumed to be traced. Include the SIDs of the parts to anchor in this tag.

<InPortParts> defines the SIDs of the parts from components to inports.

<OutPortParts> defines the SIDs of the parts from components to outports.

<InOutPortParts> defines the SIDs of the parts from components to bidirectional ports.

<SupportingParts> defines the SIDs of the parts that are traversed, but never shown. Auxiliary parts to get to mapping items is an example for the use of this tag.

<DirectTraceabilityParts> defines the SIDs that are direct traceability parts.

<Mappings> specifies one or more mappings between items.

Each <Mapping> contains a mapping definition.

Note: The mapping item should be accessible for the view. Include the path from the defining and organizing parts to the mapping item in the supporting parts.

<MappingItem> specifies the SID of the mapping item that contains the traceability information.

<MappingFrom> specifies the SIDs of the parts from the mapping item to the start of the traceability.

<MappingTo> specifies the SIDs of the parts from the mapping item to the end of the traceability.

Example Result

Configuration "2"

Things to Consider

  • It's possible to view a great deal of information in this view. Keep this in mind when deciding which parts to display, If the data is very large in size, the view may run into memory issues. In such a case, consider splitting one configuration into two use cases.