Users can now perform the following operations in a grid when configuration supports it. The menu options are configurable.
Update Existing Parts
<Part id="pAB" match="." defObj="A"/>
Remove Existing Parts
<Part id="pAB" match="." remove="true"/>
<Part id="pAB" match="." remove="1 = 1"/>
Set Single obj refs from Create Issue Dialog
Set Issue Status
<Issue status="Done">
Set Assigned to
<Issue assignedTo="username">
<Issue assignedTo="#{?CurrentUser.Name}">
Set Iteration
<Issue iteration="R40-A">
Access Name from ItemData/IssueData
<Action id="DoIt">
<Parameter name="p1" as="ItemData"/>
<Item id="A" itemType="SC" name="--#{?$p1.Name}--"/>
Set Attribute (Part, Item, Issue, Node)
<Attribute sid="ASTR1" value="hello"/>
Use DialogCreateIssue to create and add an issue
<DialogCreateIssue project="" issueType=""/>
Set IssueObjRef
<IssueObjRef refType="IR" issue="IS" obj="IT"/>
IssueData Type
Add an issue:
Batch creation of issues based on a variable
For example, for all Test Cases with given status, e.g., "Not Ok":
Batch creation of items:
Create multiple items, e.g., Test cases, Executables, Interface mappings with one click.
ISSUES: 16258, 16235