The swExport tool can be used to export SystemWeaver Documents in PDF format. Using this tool, you can implement your own application that can utilize the swExport.exe for document export based on your organization's needs.
- Prerequisites
- Required Meta Model
- Example Data
- Explanation of Settings
- Example Command Lines
- Known Behavior
To obtain the tool, contact your internal IT department or
- A Document structure to export
- An installation of SystemWeaver version R40 or later
- An installation of swExport version R40 or later
Required Meta Model
Document export requires that the document (structure) to be exported follows the SystemWeaver Document meta model. See Basic Documents Meta Model in Document Management Model Configuration.
Example Data
Explanation of Settings
Parameter | Definition | Expected value type | Comment | Example |
serverName | The name or IP address of SystemWeaver server | String | Required | serverName=localhost |
serverPort | The port of SystemWeaver server | Integer | Required | serverPort=1768 |
serverUsername | The SystemWeaver username to connect with. | String | If not supplied, Windows authentication will be used. | serverUsername=user |
serverPassword | The SystemWeaver password to connect with. | String | If not supplied, Windows authentication will be used. | serverPassword=pass |
type | Specifies export is of a Document | document | Required | type=document |
filename | The name of the PDF output file. | String | Required | filename=requirementsDocument.pdf |
itemID | The xID of the Document item | SystemWeaver xID | Required | itemID=x0000001D04533514 |
Example Command Lines
Using Username and Password
swExport serverName=sys7 serverPort=1345 serverUsername=john.doe serverPassword=password itemID=x04000000000AC88A type="document" filename="C:\temp\requirementsDocument.pdf"
Using Network Authentication
swExport serverName=sys7 serverPort=1345 itemID=x04000000000AC88A type="document" filename="C:\temp\requirementsDocument.pdf"
This command will log in the user account to the server, build and export the document, and then log out.
Example Result
Known Behavior
In release R44 and earlier, the export does not include content coming from the following:
- Graphs generated using GenerateGraph in configurable Report
- Component Graph (extension view)
- Fault Tree Graph (extension view)
- Jira integrated data (extension view)
Note: The user must have saved a login for Jira in the swExplorer client. - Yellow Graph view