This article provides an example of how to Find items in a limited context, i.e., not in the entire database. In this example, the result is to return all items of a specific item type based on the item type specified in the search criteria.


 private static void GetAllItemsWithSid(IswItem topItem, string wantedSid)
            var visitedItemHandels = new HashSet<long>();
            IswItems foundItems = topItem.Broker.Lists.NewItemList();
            GetItemsWithSidRecursive(topItem, wantedSid, foundItems, visitedItemHandels);
        private static void GetItemsWithSidRecursive(IswItem topItem,string wantedSid, IswItems foundItems, HashSet<long> visitedItemHandels)
            //Read all parts that is connected to topItem
            foreach(IswPart part in topItem.GetAllParts())
                //Get the parts DefObj as IswItem
                IswItem item = part.DefObj as IswItem;
                //If part.DefObj isn't an IswItem go to next.
                if (item != null)
                    //Since SystemWeaver allows cirkular references the program must control that the item isn't already visited
                    if (visitedItemHandels.Add(item.Handle))
                        //If the item is of the wanted SID save it in the foundItem list
                        if (item.IsSID(wantedSid))
                        //Do the same operation on this item as its owner
                        GetItemsWithSidRecursive(item, wantedSid, foundItems, visitedItemHandels);
                // Do the same control on RefObj
                item = part.RefObj as IswItem;
                if (item != null)
                    if (visitedItemHandels.Add(item.Handle))
                        if (item.IsSID(wantedSid))
                        GetItemsWithSidRecursive(item, wantedSid, foundItems, visitedItemHandels);