The following methods, object properties, and operators have been added to the Query Language to retrieve data related to library and access rights.
- Admins
- AllUsers
- GetUserAccess
- Groups
- Users
- User
Object Properties
- Owner (Valid for: item, issue, attachment, node, HomeLibrary)
- in
Configurable Graph Example Configuration
<Graph> <Options> <ObjIcons/> </Options> <NodeStyles> <NodeStyle name="Library" fillColor="#f9f5a4" fillColor2="#f9f5a4"/> <NodeStyle name="Group" fillColor="#508ee1" fillColor2="#ffffff"/> <NodeStyle name="GroupUsers"> <Shape> <Actor lineColor="#3e58c2"/> </Shape> </NodeStyle> <NodeStyle name="GroupAdmins"> <Shape> <Actor lineColor="#c2723e"/> </Shape> </NodeStyle> </NodeStyles> <ApplyTemplate name="LUAR"/> <Template name="LUAR"> <Variable name="currentItem" as="Items" select="."/> <ForEach select="HomeLibrary"> <Node style="Library" caption="#{? Name + NewLine + ' Owner: ' + Owner.RealName }"> <ForEach select="$currentItem"> <Node caption="#{? Name + NewLine + 'Owner: ' + Owner.RealName}"/> <Edge from="." to="Owner" caption="'Access Right: ' + HomeLibrary.GetUserAccess(Owner).Join(', ')"/> </ForEach> </Node> <Edge from="." to="Groups"/> <Edge from="." to="Owner" caption="'Library Owner'"/> </ForEach> <Variable name="Admins" as="Items" select="HomeLibrary.Groups.SelectMany(Admins)"/> <ForEach select="HomeLibrary.Groups"> <Node style="Group"/> <Edge from="." to="AllUsers"/> </ForEach> <ForEach select="HomeLibrary.AllUsers - HomeLibrary.Groups.SelectMany(AllUsers) "> <Edge from="$currentItem.HomeLibrary" to="."/> </ForEach> <ForEach select="HomeLibrary.AllUsers"> <Choose> <When test=". in $Admins"> <Node style="GroupAdmins" caption="#{RealName}"/> </When> <Otherwise> <Node style="GroupUsers" caption="#{RealName}"/> </Otherwise> </Choose> </ForEach> </Template> </Graph>
Example Result
Additional examples can be found in Viewing Library and Access Rights.
ISSUE ID: 14824