The "as" attribute in <Variable> and <Parameter> (Function's Parameter) now supports additional data types, aside from Item, Integer and String. With R36, the supported data types are:


  • [xxx] creates list of type xxx


  • Boolean
  • String
  • Date
  • Float
  • Integer
  • Int64
  • Item
  • Part
  • Node
  • User
  • Issue
  • Object


  • Items (for a list of items or instead one can use [Item]).

Example XML

Below is a simple example illustrating the use of "as" with each data type. 


    <Variable name="Boolean" as="Boolean" select="@ARIQ"/>
    <Variable name="String" as="String" select="'Bashar'"/>
    <Variable name="Date" as="Date" select="@DATE"/>
    <Variable name="Float" as="Float" select="1.1"/>
    <Variable name="Integer" as="Integer" select="11"/>
    <Variable name="Int64" as="Int64" select="-11"/>
    <Variable name="Item" as="Item" select="."/>
    <Variable name="Part" as="[Part]" select="/back-to-part::IDRE"/>
    <Variable name="User" as="[User]" select="Owner"/>
    <Variable name="Issue" as="[Issue]" select="/issueref::IR"/>
    <Variable name="Object" as="Object" select="."/>

        <Text>Boolean => #{? if $Boolean = true then 'The value is TRUE' else 'The value is FALSE'}</Text>
    <Text>String  => #{? $String }</Text>
    <Text>Date => #{? $Date.Format('') }</Text>
    <Text>Float => #{? $Float  }</Text>
    <Text>Integer => #{? $Integer &gt; 10 }</Text>
    <Text>Int64 => #{? $Int64  }</Text>
    <Text>Item => #{? $Item.SID  }</Text>
    <Text>Part => #{? $Part.Select(SID)  }</Text>
    <Text>User => #{? $User.RealName  }</Text>
    <Text>Issue => #{? $Issue.Select(Type)  }</Text>
    <Text>Object => #{? $Object  }</Text>


Example Result

ISSUE ID: 14818