The Project Issue Matrix is a feature that enables the creation of relations between issues in different projects. It does this by allowing users to copy an issue in one project and use this to create an issue in another project while at the same time linking them. The copied issues and the links are created using a CMS view called Issue Matrix and requires that one project is set up as a main project and one or more others are set up as sub-projects. This article describes how to set this up.


  • Assignment of the SW Architect role in the server to configure the Project Issue Matrix feature
  • You must have "Change" access rights to the CMS project OR the Administrator role in the server to configure the issue relationship

Defining the Inter-Project Issue Relationship

To set up the Issue Matrix view, you must define the issue relationship in the main project, and then configure to include it for each issue type for which it will be allowed. 

Creating the Relationship

A relationship with SID: SUIS needs to be defined that references “Any issue type”.  The Ref multiplicity should be set to “List”. The Name of the reference, the reference Source name, and Ref Name is up to you.

For more information on creating issue relationships, see How to Define a Relationship Between Issues.

Add Relationship for Each Issue Type

Once the relationship is created in the main project, include the relationship usage for each Issue Type in the main project that will be allowed to have relations to sub-project issues. 

  1. Select Setup.
  2. Select Issue Types.
  3. Select an existing issue type in the Issue Types pane. 
  4. Find the new relationship under Included Relationships, right-click on the relationship and selecting Include

In the below example, this is done for the issue type "Change Order". 

Repeat the above for each issue type needed.

Configuring the Project Issue Matrix View

The Issue Matrix view will also need to be configured in Configure the explorer. This requires the Architect role. 

  1. Go to File > Configure the explorer
  2. Navigate to the Features tab, and click on Project Issue Matrix
  3. Click View example XML and copy the script as a starting point for your configuration. 
  4. Click Edit configuration and paste the configuration in the Edit XML window. 
  5. Modify the configuration to meet the needs of the use case. (See the explanation of available elements below.)

Example Configuration

  <ProjectStructure MainProject="Main project name">
    <Subproject>Sub project 1</Subproject>
    <Subproject>Sub project 2</Subproject>
    <Subproject>Sub project 3</Subproject>
      <Filter Name="Closed"><IssueStatusEquals value="Closed"/></Filter>
      <Filter Name="Started"><IssueStatusEquals value="Started"/></Filter>
  <ProjectStructure MainProject="Another main project"> 
    <Subproject>Another sub project</Subproject>

Explanation of the Configuration Elements

<IssueMatrixProjects> is the top tag which can include one or more <ProjectStructure> tags.

<ProjectStructure> holds the configuration for one Issue Matrix. The MainProject attribute should be set to the name of the main project for this matrix.

<Subproject> defines the name of each sub-project for the matrix.

<Filters> holds the filters that can be used in the matrix. The filters are defined as in the CMS view definitions. Each filter needs to have a name set. Filters are optional.

When the configuration is done, close the project and reopen it to see the new new Issue Matrix view option at the bottom of Views and Charts.

What's Next? 

See how to use the Issue Matrix.