Below is a list of dialogs that can be opened using the SystemWeaver Extension API. 

bool CreateNewIssue(out IswIssue newIssue, IswItems refItems, out bool openAfterCreate, IswIssue templateIssue = null,

bool showCreateButton = true, IswIssueTypes selectableIssueTypes = null);

bool SelectRevision(out IswItem revision, IswItem item);

bool SelectObjectsFromList(out IswObjects selectedObjects, IswObjects objectsToSelectFrom, string dialogTitle, bool showDescription = false,

bool selectFirstObject = false, IswObject preSelectedObject = null, string okButtonCaption = "OK");

bool SelectObjectFromList(out IswObject selectedObject, IswObjects objectsToSelectFrom, string dialogTitle, bool showDescription = false,

bool selectFirstObject = false, IswObject preSelectedObject = null, string okButtonCaption = "OK");

bool SelectUser(out IswUser user, IswUsers usersToSelectFrom = null);

bool SelectUsers(out IswUsers users, IswUsers usersToSelectFrom = null);

bool NewItemAndPart(IswItem ownerItem, string partTypeSID, out IswPart newPart, string defObjSID);

bool NewItem(out IswItem newItem, string itemTypeSID);

bool SelectLibrary(out IswLibrary selectedLibrary, IswLibrary preselectedLibrary, bool filterOnWriteAccess);

bool EditRVFAttribute(IswAttribute rvfObject, bool forceReadOnly);

bool EditDescription(IswObject rvfObject, bool forceReadOnly);

bool SelectAttributeType(out IswAttributeType selectedAttributeType, IswAttributeTypes objectsToSelectFrom, string dialogTitle);

bool SelectItemType(string baseTypeSID, ref IswItemType selectedItemType, bool includeDeprecated, bool allowSelectAbstract);

bool SelectPartType(ref IswPartType selectedPartType);

bool SelectItem(out IswItem selectedItem, string itemTypeSID, IswItem currentItem = null, IswParts pathToCurrentItem = null, IswPartType partTypeForAddPart = null);


SWHost.GetDialogs().NewItem(out IswItem newItem, operationItemSid)