Although it may not come up frequently, at some point you may want to delete a config item from the database rather than taking out a new version of it. When removed, the config item will no longer be available for users to select. Once it is deleted, it is permanent and there are no references to it once deleted. The delete method is performed in the SystemWeaver server, which resolves any internal references between the items to be deleted and performs the delete in an optimum order so that referential integrity is maintained. This article describes the available options for deleting config items.


Just as with items and parts, there are some conditions that must be fulfilled for a config item to be deleted:

  • Assignment of the SW Architect role in the server
  • An installation of the SystemWeaver Explorer client (swExplorer) or swArchitect client
  • The item must not be referenced, You can check if a config item is referenced using the References view. In the view, you can then navigate to the item that is referencing it, and then remove the reference. 
  • There must not be a later version of the item. This condition can be checked in the Versions view (which is also the view where you can actually delete the last version of an item, as described below)

If any of the above criteria are not met, you will get an error message when trying to delete the config item.

Deleting from the Definition Tab

The latest version of a configuration item can be deleted from the Definition tab in the configuration view. 

  1. Search for and open an item of the item type that the config item was created for. In the below example, a "Function specification" has been opened for which the "FC graph 1" is configured and displayed.

  2. Switch to the Definition tab in the view. 
  3. Click on the Versioning drop-down menu and select Delete this configuration.

The selected config item, in this example "FC graph 1, will immediately be deleted from the database. 

Note: For Occurrence Matrix, the delete option is located to the far right.

Deleting from the Open Item Page

  1. Search for the Config Item(s) that you want to delete by selecting Open item>Other item type
  2. Then, check the Include Base Item checkbox in the Select Type dialog. The various Config Item types will display.
  3. Select the Config Item type for the definition(s) that you want to delete, e.g., Report, and click OK.  You can only search for one type at a time. Your results will display on an Open Item page.
  4. In your search results list, select the Config item(s) to delete and click Delete item(s) in the Action menu to the left. (Alternatively, press the Delete key.)
  5. In the "Do you want to permanently delete these items?" confirmation dialog, click Delete Items.

Deleting from Versions View

  1. Search for the Config Item(s) that you want to delete by selecting Open item>Other item type. Then, check the Include Base Item checkbox in the Select Type dialog. The various Config Item types will display.
  2. Select the Config Item type for the definition(s) that you want to delete, e.g., Grid definition, and click OK.  You can only search for one type at a time. Your results will display on an Open Item page. 
  3. Open the Config item that you want to delete and load the Versions view. 
  4. Right-click on the latest version and select Delete version. In the below example, the "TestRMV" grid definition is open and version 3 is being deleted.
  5. The Delete items dialog will display. Click Delete items to permanently delete the item.

Deleting via the swArchitect Client

Config items can also be deleted using the swArchitect. 

  1. Select the item type in the Type tree for which the config item was defined. 
  2. Switch to the Config Items tab.

  3. In the Config Items list, select the config item that you want to delete. If needed, you can first view the Definition in the Attributes section to the right.
  4. Click Remove Config item. To continue click OK to the confirmation dialog.

The config item is now removed from the database.

Viewing a List of Delete Operations

With the release of R32, an IT administrator has the option to configure a Statistics Log which will provide some basic information about delete operations. See Working with the Statistics Log for more information. To view an object that has been deleted, you would need to refer to a backup copy of the database.