Use the GenerateGraph tag to generate and include a configurable graph in a report. The content should include a graph-defining XML using the SystemWeaver script language. This tag is, in essence, equivalent to the graphs generated using the Configurable Graphs view. For example, the content of a <Graphs> tag in the Configurable Graphs view can be used in a <GenerateGraph> tag in a report by simply replacing the <Graphs> tags with <GenerateGraph> tags.

Example XML

            <NodeStyle name="Document" borderThickness="2" fillColor="#FFFFFF"/>
            <NodeStyle name="Section" borderThickness="2" fillColor="#FFFFFF" fillColor2="#F0F0F0"/>
        <Node style="Document">
            <ForEachPart type="ITAP">
                <Node style="Section">
  <ItemTemplate type="ITFD">
    <ForEachPart type="ITAP">
        <Node style="Section">


The graph content is generated and included in the report.

When including a graph in a report, you may need to restructure the Graph's XML definition by moving some tags (e.g., <Parameters>, <Template>,<Function>, outside of the <GenerateGraph> element, e.g., place them before  <GenerateGraph>.


What's Next?

If a graph is very large, consider breaking it down into smaller graphs for inclusion in the report.