This article explains how to use the Systemite.VtestStudioImporter console program to import test results from vTESTstudio. The import is part of the vTESTstudio workflow explained in Overview and Set-up of the vTESTstudio Workflow in SystemWeaver

Note: It is also possible to import test results directly from CANoe based on the same principles. However, it is up to the customer to define the exchange from SystemWeaver to CANoe.


  • Knowledge of vTESTstudio and CANoe
  • An installation of Systemite.VtestStudioImporter
  • One (1) test result per import file is defined per SystemWeaver Test case

Below is a figure illustrating the part of the vTESTStudio workflow that is covered by the Systemite.VtestStudioImporter.


Note: It is required that only one test result per file is defined per SystemWeaver Test case when importing data into SystemWeaver. if this requirement is not met, the import will be aborted.

Setting the Application Input


The following settings are available as input for the Console program.

-f, --file="test results file"

The "test results xml file" to import test results from.

-cf, --configfile="configuration file"

The "configuration file" to use for the import. The configuration file is used to map Test result statuses in vTESTstudio to SystemWeaver Test result statuses. (An example configuration file is provided at the bottom of this article.)

-s, --server=server          

 The server to connect to.

-p, --port=port

The port to connect to. This must be an integer.

-x, --xid=handle

The handle of the Test Suite used to Add the results to.

-tso, --testsuiteoption=AddNewTests|AddToExistingTests

The handling option [AddNewTests|AddToExistingTests] of the Test Suite used to add the results to. AddNewTests is default.

  • AddNewTests: Tests are being added to existing Test Suites that contain the Test Specifications. 
  • AddToExistingTests: The results of an import will be added to an existing Test in SystemWeaver. 

-u, --user=user

The user to login. Optional if network authentication is available.

-pw, --password=password

The password for the user to login. Optional if network authentication is available.

-h, --help

Show the help message and exit.

 -d, --debug

Indicates whether to use debugmode or not. Adds a ReadLine at the end of execution to be able to read the Console messages before closing. Applicable for those cases where writing the log file fails.

-rt, --releasetests

If the -rt flag is present, Tests will be released after the import has been done.


Systemite.VtestStudioImporter.exe -s sys7 -p 1360 -f "C:\Temp\InputExample.xml" -cf "C:\Temp\ConfigExample.xml" -x x04000000000010B5 -tso AddNewTests -idt Part -u fredrik -pw password

Explanation of the Test Suite Options


If this option is chosen, a new Test with results will be created and added to SystemWeaver for every Test Specification present in the imported file. The Test will be placed in the same Test Suite where the Test Specification is located. Below is an example showing a Test Suite "TS" before and after import. Note the addition of the Tests in the second picture:

AddNewTests before import

AddNewTests after import


If this option is chosen, the Tests where the results will be imported are expected to already exist in the structure below the given Test Suite. If that is not the case, the import will fail. Note that for this option, there is no change in the structure. Below is an example showing a Test Suite "TS" before import. Note that the structure will look the same after import. Only the results will have been added to the existing Tests:

Configuring the Importer

The below XML is an example of a configuration for the vTESTStudio Importer:

    <none>Not run</none>

TestItemType: The SID of the Tests to be created when importing. Note that this type has to be of Type SID "JSES" or inherit from it. 

TestSpecificationItemType: The SID of the TestSpecification to be identified when importing Test results.


The tags inside VTestStudioResultMappings define the mapping from vTESTstudio/CANoe Test result statuses to SystemWeaver Test Result statuses, where the elements define the vTESTstudio test result and the content defines the corresponding SystemWeaver Test result status: 

<vTESTstudio/CANoe status>SystemWeaver Status</vTESTstudio/CANoe status>.