When issues arise on the client side, we may ask you to turn on logging for the client. This article describes how to do this. Performance will be effected negatively with logging turned on so this is only to be used for a specific time period and then turned off when testing is done.


  • You must have sufficient access rights to the location where the log file will be generated. 
  1. Place the attached swExplorer.props in the Client directory (together with the swExplorer.exe). (Or you can copy the content below and paste it into a text document and save it as swExplorer.props.)
  2. Open the props file and enter a path and file name for the new log file on line: log4d.appender.Fil1.fileName=.

  3. Save the changes to the file. 
  4. Start your swExplorer client.
  5. Remember to turn off this logging when done. You can simply just delete the swExplorer.props file. 
  6. Zip the log file and delivery to SystemWeaver Support.


# Set internal debugging
# log4d.debug=TRUE


# Global disable level
# log4d.disable=INFO

# Override global disable level
# log4d.disableOverride=TRUE

# Set category factory
# log4d.categoryFactory=TLogDefaultCategoryFactory

# Set root priority
# log4d.rootCategory=WARN,ODS

# Establish category hierarchy

# myapp.other category doesn't log to its parents

# Create root appender

# Create a file appender
log4d.appender.Fil1.layout.pattern=%d [%t] %-5p %-6c %x - %m%n
log4d.appender.Fil1.layout.dateFormat=yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss,zzz

Note: If the swExplorer.log file does not generate as expected, you likely do not have the proper access rights to generate a log file in that location. To resolve, either move the client installation to a different location where you do have administrative access rights, or right-click on the swExplorer.exe and Run as administrator