The XML Export tool is a command line wrapper of the XML export that you find in the swArchitect and swExplorer clients. Depending on your needs, it can be suitable to export meta model and/or metadata in the form of an XML file. Note that it is not possible to produce XMI or ReqIF file output. The tool is 64-bit. As this tool is not part of our standard delivery, to obtain it, contact [email protected]


  • Server, port and login information for the database from which you want to export.
  • An installation of the swXMLExport tool including all necessary dll files.
    Note: In pre-R40 versions, the tool is called swExport.
  • The machine on which you are running the command must have sufficient RAM. Example: very large structure exports including all versions (95,000 items) and all attachments (584 MB attachment file structure) could be completed in approx. one hour with a 16 GB laptop.

Installing the Tool 

Save the swXmlExport directory to a suitable location on your drive. The directory should contain the following files: 

Note: Prior to the Sävenäs (R47) release, the SystemWeaver.swXmlExport executable was called simply swXMLExport. 

Creating the Command Line

Below are two example command lines to illustrate how to include parameters: 

Example 1

Exports an xml file containing the meta model and all config items:

SystemWeaver.swXmlExport.exe -XmlFileName=c:\temp\MMExport.xml -ExportConfigItems=true -ServerName=sys7 -ServerPort=1345 -ServerUserName=XXX -ServerPassword=XXX

Example 2

Exports an xml file that does NOT contain the meta model (ExportMetadata) (You may want to exclude it if the target database is already prepared with a compatible meta model). It also excludes plain descriptions (This may be excluded if, for example, the import will use the formatted descriptions). The export will include previous versions and attachments: 

SystemWeaver.swXmlExport.exe -XmlFileName=c:\Temp\Export.xml -ServerName=abc23 -ServerPort=3022 -ItemId= -IncludePreviousVersions=true -ExportMetadata=false -IncludeAttachments=true -ServerUserName=XXX -ServerPassword=XXX

Optional and Mandatory Parameters

Below are all available parameters for command line XML export. In release Sävenäs (R47) and later, a dash (-) must precede the parameter in the command line

ParameterDefinitionExpected value typeExample
ServerPortRequired. The port of SystemWeaver server 
ServerNameRequired. The name or IP address of SystemWeaver server
ServerUserNameThe SystemWeaver username to connect with. 
ServerPasswordThe SystemWeaver password to connect with. 
Optional. To use instead of ServerUserName and ServerPassword. Default=false.
XmlFileNameRequired. The name for the output file.String-XmlFileName=D:\Work\test.xml

Optional. Specifies the xID of the item for which the configuration applies.

SystemWeaver xId-ItemId=x0000001D04533514

Optional. Default=false. Include all later

versions of an item depending on which is used. 


Optional. Default=false. Include all previous

versions of an item depending on which is used. 

ExportMetadataOptional. Default=true. Include all metadata.

Optional. Default=false. Include the config items.

IgnoreErrorsOptional, Default=false

Optional. Default=false. Include the description values as unformatted text as well. 


Optional. Default=false. Include all

attachments for the chosen items.


Optional. Default=false. Include the owner element of each item in the xml export. 


Optional. Default=true. Include all big images for the chosen items.


Optional. Default=false. Replaces the id

attribute in the exported XML with the ForeignID property of the items and parts if there is any.


Optional. Include a "namespace" string that will

be used as a prefix of exported ids.

ConfigFileOptional. Specifies a configuration file to use.

Optional. Specifies the ID of the configuration

in the application config to read from the server.

LogFileDirectoryOptional. Default is the current directory.
NoLogFileOptional. Default=false.

Tip: -h, -?, and --help show all parameters and descriptions.

Example 3

Export only the meta model.

SystemWeaver.swXmlExport.exe XmlFileName=c:\temp\test.xml ServerName=sys7 ServerPort=1111 ServerUserName=XXX ServerPassword=XXX

Using a Config File

There is an option to use a configuration XML file placed in the same directory as the tool, instead of setting the options directly in the command line. 

There are also currently more options when using a configuration file, e.g., IncludedParts. See System Default Settings for XML Export for a list of the settings that can be used in a configuration file. Below is an example command line that uses a configuration file called config.xml and the content of the example config file is shown below.

SystemWeaver.swXmlExport.exe XmlFileName=C:\exports\2023export.xml ServerName=sys7 ServerPort=1111 ServerUserName=XXX ServerPassword=XXX ConfigFile=C:\exports\configs\config.xml

Example File

<ExportToXMLConfig id="AB1 2023 Export" sid="I">

Things to Consider

  • If you are exporting a large amount of data, your export could effect performance for other system users. Keep this in mind when scheduling your export
  • A list of any errors will be included in the log file, and can be used to take action in resolving them if desired.
  • If a file already with the same name exists in the export location, it will be overwritten. 

Example of a Completed Export Command

To use the tool, run your command line from the location of the executable and related files.