
Hardware models in SystemWeaver represent the software-relevant hardware abstraction and are used to document the interfaces between the software and hardware. The Connect Pins view is an integral part of the hardware model in SystemWeaver and supports the creation of assembly and delegation connectors as well as the selection of Circuit IDs. The view provides an overview of the connectivity of each component in each HW System and provides full editing capabilities of assembly and delegation connections and circuit IDs. This article describes how to make connections in the view as an end user. 

Making Connections

To access the Connect pins view, select a HW System item in the structure tree.  In the below example, the HW System selected is called "ECU1 HW System". The view is accessible via the a 'Hardware Container' menu group: 

To get started making connections, select a Main component to connect.  In the below example, the "ECU1" component is selected, but any of the components to be connected can be the "main component" . 

Next, select a local connector Pin for the component connection and then select the Component to be connected. The available components in the selected HW System will display in a drop-down list.

Note: The view also supports the creation of delegation connectors. Use the keyword <<Boundary>> to select the current context, i.e., a HW System, to connect with a selected pin as shown in the picture below:

Then, select the Component pin of the component to be connected from the available wired connections listed in the drop-down list. The connection is created immediately when the selection is made.

You can also define a Circuit ID (global identifier for the connection) for an existing connection by right-clicking the connection (i.e., a row in the view) and selecting Select Circuit ID from list from the context menu.

What's Next

See how you can visualize the connections that you have made.