No longer supported.

Note: Special attention should be given to the items highlighted in yellow as they may require additional planning/steps for your organization pre and/or post-upgrade.

Issue ID
Database update from 41 to 42.
The database has been updated from version 1.41 to version 1.42. An update option is available in the R25 release of swDatabaseManager.

API: Fix GetColor for attribute types with white color
Previously  IswAttributeType.GetColor()  threw a NullReferenceException for the white color. This has now been fixed.
API: New functionality to access enumeration attribute type values and their properties
It is now possible to access defined  enumeration values and their properties Name, Description and Color for an attribute type:

IswAttributeType attributeType = SWConnection.Instance.Broker.AttributeType("ATT4");

// Get defined enumeration Values as string[]
string[] enumValuesAsString = attributeType.RangeArray;

// Get defined enumeration Values as SWEnumerationAttributeRange
byte[] typeRange = attributeType.Range;
SWEnumerationAttributeRange enumAttributeValues = new SWEnumerationAttributeRange(typeRange);

foreach(EnumerationAttributeRange enumerationValue in enumAttributeValues)
string valueName = enumerationValue.Name;
string valueDescription = enumerationValue.Description;
Color? valueColor = enumerationValue.Color;

API: Upgraded to version 1.49 and db version 1.42
The SystemWeaver API has been upgraded from version 1.48 to version 1.49 and for database version 1.42.
Removed IswCategory and IswCategories from API
The interfaces IswCategory and IswCategories have been removed from the API.
Access via Direct Access VPN with IPv6 Tunnel
Users can now connect to SystemWeaver Explorer using Microsoft's Direct Access VPN with a IPv6 tunnel. To access the database, users need to enter the SystemWeaver server IP address.

All server applications now provided in 64 bit version
With the release of R25, the server applications are provided as 64-bit versions and a 32-bit version will no longer be delivered.
Architect application has new icon
The Architect application icon has been updated. The new icon is:

Attachments: Fix for Long Attachment File Names
This fixes an issue where long attachment file names were cut off when uploading the attachment in Explorer. A maximum 100 characters is allowed. Users will now receive a message indicating that a file name is too long.

XML Export: Improvement to export of duplicate attachments
Implemented with the release of R24, when exporting an item whose multiple versions have the same attachment file, the Export to XML view will now only export one file rather than two duplicates. Upon import again, the attachment is still linked to both versions but only one file is imported instead of two. This saves a significant amount of space in the file repository.
Attribute type change to/from Computed type prohibited
Actually implemented with the release of R23, changing an attribute type to or from the Computed type in the Architect application is prohibited. Users receive a message.
Automatic creation of multiple issues
As of Release R21, automatic creation of individual issues for large sets of items has been supported.

The typical use case for the automatic creation of multiple issues is when a structure includes many items and an individual issue needs to be created for each of them in order to track the development of the items.

Note that this feature should only be used for specific use cases in order to avoid large amounts of "empty" issues.

You can read more in the Help manual, for the item view Create issue for item.
Client server compression changed for improved performance
This release provides a performance improvement on low latency connections thanks to a change of the client server compression to the LZ4 compression algorithm. Improvements in performance speed can be seen in areas such as XML Import and the loading of large, wide structures in the tree.
Compare View
The Compare view in SystemWeaver can be used to provide a simple, visual compare of two items, e.g., a clone and the original. Depending on what type of comparison you want to do, you may need to configure a grid or report to meet your needs or generate documents to compare in an external application such as Notepad++.

The Compare view must be activated by an Architect.

For a simple visual compare of two items using the Compare view:
  1. Select an item in the structure tree and hit Ctrl+C. 
  2. Select another item and select the Compare view from the View drop-down menu.
  3. With the first item still in the clipboard, click Open from clipboard.

The clipboard item will display on the right-hand side of the view. You can do a visual comparison of the two items/structures. Items in green are identical.
Connect Pins: Support for Circuit ID and Boundary connections
In previous releases, the Connect pins view only supported assembly connectors.
Now, in addition to this, the view supports the creation of delegation connectors. Use the keyword <<Boundary>> to select the current context, i.e., a HW System, to connect with a selected Pin as shown in the picture below:

The view now also supports the concept of global identifier for the connection (Circuit Identity):

Coverage (Item to Item): Item right side row select
This improves row selection on the right-hand side so that an indicator is visible for selected rows:

Coverage (Item to Item): Various bug fixes
Fixes for the following issues in the Coverage (Item to Item) view are included in R25:
  • When the Match filter feature was activated, matches were not reflected correctly on one side when changing focus in the other side.
  • When selecting with the keyboard, the indication was left one step behind, thus the match indication was not correct. It also did not support multi-select
  • When rebuilding the entire view by changing structure item to something else and back, the green match column indications became full row indications, i.e., as a search result is indicated
  • When the Match filter feature was activated, matches with version mismatch were not being included. They should be included in match.
11963, 11961, 11980, 11982
Coverage (Item>Item): Changes to view configuration
The R25 release includes changes to the configuration of the Coverage Item -> Item view to allow for configuration of several mapping cases. As part of upgrading the client, the configuration of the view needs to be changed in Configure the explorer. When you view the entry in Configure the explorer after the upgrade, the item view will display a config error in the Visibility column:

In order for the view to work properly, the following changes need to be made for each <CoverageViewConfig> instance:

  1. Remove the context definition.
  2. Remove <LeftGroup>, <RightGroup>, and <MappingPartGroup>.
  3. Reconfigure the mapping definition as shown in the example below:

Old definition:

    <LeftItemType itemType="TECA" mappingPartType="TCRE"/>
    <RightItemType itemType="REQ"/>

New definition:

      <Mapping fromType="TECA" partType="TCRE" toType="REQ"/>

You must log out and back in to activate.

The above is only an example. The SIDs used should be replaced by those used in your system's configurations. Once you close the Edit XML window, the config error message will be resolved. Navigating off of the Coverage Item -> Item entry on the Item views tab will remove the red text alert visual.

Example Old Configuration: 
<CoverageViewConfig id= "unique_id">
<Caption>Function realization</Caption>
<Description>Hint shown in the ribbon</Description>
<AddParts owner="main" sid="PTUR" part="featureListPart" defobj="featureList"/>
<AddParts owner="featureList" sid="IURQ" part="featurePart" defobj="feature"/>
<AddParts owner="main" sid="3VDA" part="daPart" defobj="da"/>
<AddParts owner="da" sid="ITFD" part="unallocatedDesignPart" defobj="ua"/>
<AddParts owner="ua" sid="ITAP" part="functionPart" defobj="designFunction"/>
<AddParts owner="designFunction" sid="RFEA" part="realizesPart" defobj="feature"/>
<LeftGroup name="designFunction"/>
<RightGroup name="feature"/>
<MappingPartGroup name="realizesPart"/>
<TopItemType itemType="3PTA"/>
<LeftOwner itemType="BISG" partType="ITAP"/>
<LeftItemType itemType="BIDA" mappingPartType="RFEA"/>
<RightItemType itemType="RBFN"/>
<LeftStructureTree partTypes="3VDA;ITFD;ITAP"/>
<AddParts owner="main" sid="PTUR" part="featureListPart" defobj="featureList"/>
<AddParts owner="featureList" sid="IURQ" part="featurePart" defobj="feature"/>
<Tree startGroup="main">
<Case group="main" go="/featureListPart"/>
<Case group="featureList" go="/featurePart"/>
<AdditionalLeftItemAttributes sids=""/>
<AdditionalRightItemAttributes sids=""/>

Example New Configuration:
<CoverageViewConfig id= "unique_id">
<Caption>Function realization</Caption>
<Description>Hint shown in the ribbon</Description>
<Mapping fromType="BIDA" partType="ITAP" toType="RBFN"/>
<TopItemType itemType="3PTA"/>
<LeftOwner itemType="BISG" partType="ITAP"/>
<LeftStructureTree partTypes="3VDA;ITFD;ITAP"/>
<AddParts owner="main" sid="PTUR" part="featureListPart" defobj="featureList"/>
<AddParts owner="featureList" sid="IURQ" part="featurePart" defobj="feature"/>
<Tree startGroup="main">
<Case group="main" go="/featureListPart"/>
<Case group="featureList" go="/featurePart"/>
<AdditionalLeftItemAttributes sids=""/>
<AdditionalRightItemAttributes sids=""/>

11981, 11749
Coverage (Mapping Item): Added Ability to Configure Expand Level
It is now possible to configure the expand/collapse level for each structural view (left and right) in the Coverage (mapping item) view. The expansion level can be defined by using:


Creation of 64bit swConnectionTest
There is now a 64bit version of swConnectionTest in the 64bit library that runs 64bit versions of ssl and dll files.
Deprecation of Attribute types
There is now an option to deprecate Attribute types:

A deprecated attribute will not appear in the list of attribute types, when setting default attributes of an item type or part type, or when adding an additional attribute of an item or part.
11935, 11952
Export attributes as binaries in XML configuration
It is now possible to export attributes and descriptions as Base 64 binaries in the XML definitions. This will enable the user to create CDATA information in xmls. Using this method, the user can export text, rvf and other attributes that include formatted data and images and import into SystemWeaver or other tools.

This opens up the opportunity of transforming the existing data into a new meta model structure and importing back to SystemWeaver.

There are two new tags added:
1. <Description attributeType="ATTRIBUTESID" format="rvf"/>
2. <AttributeData type="ATTRIBUTESID"/>

Here are some examples:

Assume you have an attribute with the sid ATTRIBUTESID and of type text that you want to convert to export and import back into SystemWeaver as a new attribute with SID NEWATTRIBUTESID. This code will help you manage this case:

<XElement name="Attribute">
    <XAttribute name="sid" value="NEWATTRIBUTESID"/>
    <XAttribute name="binary" value="True"/>
    <AttributeData type="ATTRIBUTESID"/>
                                     To export rvf descriptions and attributes, you can use the Description xml tag. Here is an example that exports an rvf attribute of sid ATTRIBUTESID and puts it under tags BINARY: 
<XElement name="Binary">
    <Description attributeType="ATTRIBUTESID" format="rvf"/>

Fix issue with parameters
This fixes an issue with parameters and recursion.
Import from XML: Fixes a bug related to Import version numbers option
This fixes a bug related to the functionality of the "Import version numbers" option in Import from XML.
Item Type: Deprecated Items and Parts will be hidden
Previously, deprecated items and parts were displayed in the Item Type view with a gray background:

With the R25 release, deprecated items and parts will be hidden in the Item Type view:

This view is used by end users and, as such, should clearly display only the current meta model relationships for the selected item and not any legacy, deprecated types.

Architects should use the Architect client to view deprecated types if needed.
New solution for Issue Status Transitions
Until now the concept used for defining issue status transitions has been based on defining each transition separately. According to this solution, each status transition is defined according to an initial and final status.

This solution has not been widely used, perhaps because of the effort required to define useful transitions. ("Useful" here means transitions that are according to intentions, that do not exhibit unwanted side effects, etc.)

This solution has now been replaced* by a solution where all transitions are defined within a single XML, for a specific work flow.
According to this solution all transitions from a specific status are collected according to that status.
In order to get an unambiguous initial status of a work flow, that status is defined by an attribute.

<Workflow initialStatus="Started">
  <Status name="Started">
      <NextStatus name="Forgotten"/>
      <NextStatus name="Old"/>
      <NextStatus name="Closed"/>
  <Status name="Old">
      <NextStatus name="Started"/>
  <Status name="Forgotten">
      <NextStatus name="Started">

There is a new graphical view available, which displays a state chart according to the definition:
* Any existing transitions defined according to the old concept will be retained in R25, but will not be effective. Existing transitions will need to be transformed into the new XML format.
11973, 11922, 11949, 11950, 11951, 11975
Open Item: Double-click to Add an Item
When adding a new item to the structure tree, it is now possible to double-click an item in the Open items dialog to add it.

The existing functionality of selecting an item and clicking the Open item button is still available.
Open Items of Type Dialog: Fix Autosize Issue
This fixes an issue with the autosize functionality for columns defined with "auto" width.
PathQuery: Support for functions in report language
An old news, which may have slipped your attention, is the support for functions in the report language.

This feature was released already in R13 of 2014.
RM Plus Light: Added attribute columns to view
It is now possible to define attributes to add to the grid in the RM Plus Light view. These can be defined by adding:


RM Plus Light: Fixes an access violation
This fixes a bug relating to access violation when activating the RM Plus Light view outside of the configured context.
Removal of unnecessary calls from swAdmin2
This fix removed calls from swAdmin2 to the SystemWeaver server.
Revision of FMEA Views (and models)
In order to add flexibility and to better support various specific kinds of FMEA, the current hard-coded distinction between Design FMEA and Process FMEA has been removed. This means that the SystemWeaver type identifier (SID) of those types have no specific meaning any more.

This also means that the current, type-specific header pane of the FMEA view has been removed. The original intention with the header was to give resemblance to classical paper-based format, at the expense of requiring additional window space, as well as requiring a fixed set-up.
The header will instead need to be replaced by a custom document or report format, based on specific FMEA types, similar to other documentation cases. (And should preferably be made available as a button in the Ribbon.)

According to the new concept, all specific FMEA types need to inherit from a single FMEA type, with a SID= I2FA.
This, in turn, means that the specific part type used for "PFMEA object" (SID = PFOB) should be refactored to the general "FMEA object" (SID = 2IFB). (The now generic "FMEA object" was previously called "DFMEA object".)
This, in turn, means that any artifact links ("Component"/"Function"/"Process step", etc.) from the FMEA object item type need to be refactored into the correspoding part used by the common "FMEA object" type. This part type should be given a DefObj of type Item (SID=I) in order to become generic.

Also, a new conceptual idea around FMEA and other analysis methods has been introduced, as described below:

Up until now, each FMEA (and FMEA item) was supposed to be self-contained and managed separately.
While this may still be true, we have seen an increasing need to manage a common context for multiple FMEA as well as other analysis methods like FTA.
In order to support this approach, you can now choose to regard the "FMEA" item as primarily the definition of the common context. Within this context, you can add FMEA Objects and perform the FMEA analysis of these, as well as add other parts according to other analysis methods.
This way of working can also be reflected by renaming the basic "FMEA" type into "Analysis Area".
Note that there is no obligation to adopt this view, and you can choose to still manage each FMEA as a separate FMEA item, retaining the "FMEA" type name, etc.

The Pareto diagram is now available on I2FA and 26FS which is an item type for safety analysis and can include several analysis areas (I2FA).

Contact Systemite for further information and advise.
11879, 11992, 11893
System signals: Fix issue with Mark as Virtual
This fixes an Access Violation bug with the Mark as Virtual option in the System signals view.
Welcome: Version Information Selectable
The Version text from the Welcome page is now selectable making it easier to grab and include when submitting a request to Systemite.