By default, there are no connections maintained between a cloned item and the original item when using the Clone item view as this is not typically desired. However, the two can be linked together for future reference using the TraceTopPartType tag, if needed. This is described in Configuring a Trace to Origin in Clone Item View. The Compare view in SystemWeaver can then be used to provide a simple visual compare of the clone and the original. Depending on what type of comparison you want to do, you may need to configure a grid or report to meet your needs or generate documents to compare in an external application such as Notepad++. 


  • An installation of the SystemWeaver swExplorer client (swExplorer)
  • An SW Architect has activated the view via Configure the explorer

Comparing a Clone with the Original

For a simple visual compare of a clone and the original using the Compare view, follow these steps:

  1. Select the clone item in the structure tree and hit Ctrl+C. 
  2. Select the original item and select the Compare view from the View drop-down menu.

  3. With the clone item still in the clipboard, click Open from clipboard.

The clone item will display on the right-hand side of the view. It will display the TraceTopPartType as a part as well (in the below example, that part is called TraceOrigin). You can do a visual comparison of the two items/structures. Items in green are identical. However, because a clone is always an entirely different item, i.e., has a different xid, very little will be deemed the same.