The Autosar System Signals Generator extension view is used to generate System Signals and System Signal Groups for the defined inter ECU Communication in an allocated Autosar System. For more information about the Autosar standard, visit the Autosar home page.


  • The complete Autosar Meta model for describing allocated Autosar Systems
  • Knowledge of XML
  • An installation of the SystemWeaver Explorer client (swExplorer) version R34 or later 
  • The SystemWeaver SWExtension.SystemSignalsGenerator extension is located in the Client's swExplorerExtensions directory
  • Assignment of the SW Architect role in the server

Example Data

Configuring the View

  1. Go to File > Configure the explorer
  2. On the Item views tab, select Autosar System Signals Generator.

  3. Click View example XML and copy the script as a starting point for your configuration. 
  4. Click Edit configuration and paste the script in the Edit XML window. 
  5. Modify the configuration to meet the needs of the use case. (See the explanation of available elements below.)
  6. When you are ready to test and make it available to users, check the Active box. Users must log out and back in to see the new option.

Example Configuration

    <AutosarSystemSignalsGeneratorConfig id="1">
            <Caption>System Signal Generator</Caption>
            <Description>Generates system signals based on the external communication needs</Description> 
            <Image guiImage="5"/> 

Explanation of the Configuration Elements

The Autosar Interface Editor requires minimal configuration.

<AutosarSystemSignalsGeneratorConfigs> is the top tag which can include one or more

<AutosarSystemSignalsGeneratorConfig> is the top tag of each configuration and must have an id attribute. The id attribute identifies the specific configuration, and should be a unique string value when multiple configurations exist.

Note: There is no need to define more than one <AutosarSystemSignalsGeneratorConfig> even though it is possible.

<ViewSettings> enables you to set a custom view label, hover-tip, icon, etc. See How to Configure Item View Menu Button Settings.