The Project Issue Matrix is a grid that enables the creation of relations between issues in different projects. It does this by allowing users to copy an issue in one project and use this to create an issue in another project while at the same time linking them. There is also support for copying an issue in one project and creating a link from this issue to an existing issue in another project. The copied issues and the links are created using a CMS view called Issue Matrix. The matrix requires that one project is identified as a main project and one or more others are identified as sub-projects so it may not be suitable for all use ca. This article describes how to use the Issue Matrix view.


  • The Issue Matrix view must be configured by an Architect
  • You must have "Write" access rights to a CMS project to create issues

Getting Acquainted with the View

The view is found in the Views and Charts pane in the project which is set up as the main project in the matrix.

The main project issues are displayed to the left. The issue name is shown in the Product Issue column and the issue ID and status in the Status column. 

Each sub-project is displayed as a column to the right. In the below example, there is only one sub-project, called Project D. If a sub-project issue is linked to a main project issue, its ID and Status will be displayed. If no issue is linked to the main issue, the cell will be blank (white) as is the case for "Seat ventilation" in the below example. 

Applying a Filter to the View

If the view is configured to support it, there is an option to filter the list of main project issues. In the below example, the main project issues can be filtered by an issue status value.

Create an Issue in a Sub-Project Linked to Main Project Issue

To copy an issue from the main project to the sub-project and link them, right-click in the empty cell in the sub-project column and select Create this issue for subproject

The New Issue dialog will display with the Project, Type, and Name pre-populated. Make any changes you wish to the properties, attributes, and description as needed.

The relationship (or link) between the main project issue and the new sub-project issue will be created automatically as highlighted above. Click Create to create the linked sub-project issue.

Create an Issue in the Main Project Linked to Sub-Project Issue

In a similar way, you can copy a sub-project issue to create a main project issue and link them, or you can link it to an existing main project issue. 

First copy the issue in the sub-project. You can do this in an issue view or in the Issue view. 

Then, open the Issue Matrix view in the main project. 

Creating New Main Issue For the Copied Sub-Project Issue

To create a new main project issue and link it to the copied sub-project issue, right-click anywhere in the view, and select Create main issue from issue: [name of the sub-project issue].

The New Issue dialog will display with the Project, Type, and Name pre-populated. Make any changes you wish to the properties, attributes, and description as needed. The relationship (or link) between the sub-project issue and the new main project issue will be created automatically. Click Create to create the linked main project issue. Below, you see the new main project issue that has been created and is linked to the above copied issue. 

Linking the Copied Sub-Project Issue to Existing Main Project Issue

To link the copied sub-project issue to an existing main project issue that is not already linked to another of the sub-project's issues, right-click on the main project's row and select Connect issue: [name of sub-project issue] to main project issue: [name of main project issue].

Things to Consider

  • Batch creation of issues/links is not supported. Only a single issue/link can be created at a time.
  • The relationships support single multiplicity. i.e., one issue linked to one issue. For example, an issue in the main project can be linked to one issue in Sub-project A, one issue in Sub-project B, etc.