This article describes how to configure the CreateTestPlan extension view.


  • The Test meta model is included in the database
  • An installation of the SystemWeaver Explorer client (swExplorer)
  • The SWExtension.CreateTestPlan extension file is located in the Client's swExplorerExtensions directory
  • Assignment of the SW Architect role in the server

Test Meta Model

The graph below shows how the basic pattern for the Test execution meta model must be set up for this view to function properly:

Note: The Test functionality that SystemWeaver provides expects the Test meta model to have this pattern with the Part types as defined in the above meta model. However, the main difference between this meta model and many installed Test meta models is that this one uses abstract types and allows for definitions of multiple Item types for Test Scopes, Test Specifications and Test cases.

Below is an example of a functioning meta model:

Configuring the View

  1. Go to File > Configure the explorer
  2. On the Item views tab, select Create Test Plan.

  3. Click View example XML and copy the script as a starting point for your configuration. 
  4. Click Edit configuration and paste the script in the Edit XML window.
  5. Modify the configuration to meet the needs of the use case. (See the explanation of available elements below.)
  6. When you are ready to test and make it available to users, check the Active box. Users must log out and back in to see the new option.

Example Configuration

    <CreateTestPlanConfig id="1">
            <Caption>CTP - new format, fullspec</Caption>
            <Description>This view creates Test plans from Test Specifications</Description>
            <Image guiImage="5"/> 
        <OriginalTestSpecificationType itemType="JTSP"/>
        <ParameterAttributeValueToAttributeTypeMapping attributeSid="VTCP">
            <Mapping attributeSid="VBAT" attributeValue="Vbat"/>
            <Mapping attributeSid="TEMP" attributeValue="Temp"/>
        <TraceabilityToOriginalTestCase partType="TRAC"/>
        <SystemUnderTest partType="ASUT"/>
        <TestSystem partType="ATES"/>
        <CreatedTestSpecification itemType="VTP"/>
        <CreatedTestSuite itemType="VTPL"/>
        <CreateButtonCaption>Create Test Plan</CreateButtonCaption>
    <CreateTestPlanConfig id="2">
            <Caption>Create Test Plan (2nd config)</Caption>
            <Description>This view creates Test plans from Test Specifications</Description>
        <CreatedTestSpecification itemType="VTP"/>
		<CreatedTestSuite itemType="VTPL"/>
        <CreateButtonCaption>Create 2nd Config Test Plan</CreateButtonCaption>
            <Attribute partType="" attributeType=""/>
            <Attribute partType="" attributeType=""/>

Explanation of the Configuration Elements

<CreateTestPlanConfigs> is the top tag which can include one or more <CreateTestPlanConfig>.

<CreateTestPlanConfig> builds the structure of a configuration. The id attribute identifies the specific configuration.

<ViewSettings> enables you to set a custom view label, hover-tip, icon, etc. See How to Configure Item View Menu Button Settings

<OriginalTestSpecificationType> is the Item Type of the Test Specifications that are to be parameterized and are meant to show up in the CreateTestPlan editor.

<ParameterAttributeValueToAttributeTypeMapping> (optional) is the attribute type that contains the relevant Parameter names that can be used as input for a Test case script. The attributeSid must be for an attribute type of "Enumeration" and Data Dimension "Set".

<Mapping> defines the attribute type that corresponds to a given attribute value, as defined in the Range of the Parameter attribute, of the ParameterAttributeValueToAttributeTypeMapping. 

<TraceabilityToOriginalTestCase> (optional) is the Part Type on the newly created Test Specification that points out the original Test Specification that the newly creates Test Specification was created from.

<TestCaseTraceability> (optional) is used to describe the origin of where the created Test Plan or variant of Test Case came from.

<SystemUnderTest> (optional) describes the expected System Under Test when executing this Test Plan.

<TestSystem> (optional) describes the expected Test System when executing this Test Plan.

<CreatedTestSpecification> is the item type of the Test Specification that will be created. Note that this Item type is expected to inherit from Abstract Test Specification according to the meta model illustration in the beginning of this article.

<CreatedTestSuite> is the item type of the Test Suite that will be created. Note that this Item type is expected to inherit from Test Suite according to the meta model illustration in the beginning of this article.

<CreateButtonCaption> (optional) is used to set the text for the button for creating a test plan. The default is "Create". 

<PartAttributesToCopy> (optional) is used to define which part attributes to include in the Test Plan. You must include this if part attributes are to be included. Enter the part type SID and the attribute type SID.