Once you have created groups, you are ready to add and remove users as members of the group. Group memberships are managed using the swExplorer client. 


  • You must be assigned the "Administrator" role in swAdmin2

Navigate to File > Groups. A dialog will open with the Groups tab displayed.

Adding User(s) to a Group

Users can be added to an existing group either via the Groups or Users tab.

Groups Tab

Using the Groups tab, you can add single or multiple users simultaneously to the same group.

  1. Select the group.
  2. Click Add user.

In the Select User(s) dialog, select the user(s) you want to add to the group and click OK. The user is added.

Users Tab

  1. On the Users tab, select the user to be added to a group. Their current group memberships will display to the right under Member of groups
  2. Click Add to group, select the group to which you want to add the user and click OK. The user is added to the group.

Removing User(s) from a Group

Users can be removed from an existing group either via the Groups or Users tab. 

Groups Tab

Using the Groups tab, you can remove single or multiple users simultaneously from the same group. 

  1. Select the group from which you want to remove the user(s). The current group membership will display to the right under Users in group.
  2. Select the user(s) to be removed.
  3. Click Remove user

Confirm the removal by clicking OK

Users Tab

  1. On the Users tab, select the user to be removed. Their current group memberships will display to the right under Member of groups.
  2. Select the group from which the user should be removed.
  3. Click Remove from group. The user is removed from the group.

Confirm the removal by clicking OK.

Note: There is a system default group called “everyone” that includes all registered users. It cannot be deleted nor can you remove any members.