The various SystemWeaver server applications can be utilized in many different configurations according to the needs of the organization. This article illustrates some of the configuration possibilities.

The 'SWClient' in the examples illustrates any kind of SystemWeaver client such as a swExplorer, a swAdmin2, and swArchitect or any custom SystemWeaver client.

SystemWeaver Test Server Configuration

The TestServer configuration illustrates the simplest SystemWeaver configuration. The swTestServer runs the SystemWeaver server executables via a user-friendly GUI interface. The advantage of this configuration is that it is very easy to install on any PC using the GUI of the swTestServer in case any troubleshooting is needed. It should be noted that this configuration runs directly under a Windows session. If the session is killed, the server will stop running as well. 

Typically any SystemWeaver installation will be tested first in this configuration, and later when the configuration has been tested successfully, the configuration will migrate into a monitor service configuration.

SystemWeaver Monitor Service Configuration

The swServerMonitorService runs SystemWeaver as a Windows Service, monitoring its server applications and restarting them when necessary. More detailed information can be found in Introduction to the SystemWeaver Monitor Service.  

SystemWeaver Mirror Server Configuration

When a SystemWeaver Client is located geopgraphically far away from an swServer (with inherent network latency), the use of a mirror server (see SystemWeaver Mirror Server) can greatly reduce loading time of large models to the client, since the swClient only interacts with the mirror server. The mirror server should preferably be located at a server computer close to the swClients that will access it.

SystemWeaver Notification Server Configuration

A swNotificationServer sends notification emails automatically whenever the status of an issue is changed. See SystemWeaver Notification Server for more information about the notification server.

Full SystemWeaver Configuration

Below is an example of a full SystemWeaver configuration including a main server, a mirror server and a notification Server.

A Rest API is also available and can be added to the installation.