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How do I select PDF-generator for clickable Table of Content

Today when a document is generated as a PDF, the default PDF generator is used.

But this one doesn't support clickable Table of content.

How do I select what generator that should be used when generating a PDF dochument?

Any suggestions upon selecting a PDF generator that supports clickable Table of Content?

Best Regads


 If any has here a solution I would be also interested.

I'm currently testing PDF24 but not yer found a suitable solution.



Thanks for the feedback.

I'll look into selecting a PDF-generator to install on my PC then.

If anyone know a good PDF-generator, please don't hesitate to make a comment on that.



Hi Stefan, 

Thanks for your question. Unfortunately, we do not have any suggestions of PDF generators that support a clickable Table of Content. SystemWeaver simply prints out the  content. The default PDF generator we use is the WIN10 built-in pdf writer. However, you can select another if you wish from the Printer Name selection list: 

For Documents: 


For Reports: 




Systemite Support

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