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RM+ Plus Light view and Parameter


 I am trying to configure a RM Plus Light view and need to use the value of a Context which I have obtained using: 


 inside an AddGridXML, see below.

Is it possible to do so?


Best Answer

Hi Bashar,

For the RM Plus Light view you have a few hardcoded parameters which value is set by the view:

- "pSelected" which is the selected requirement

- "pBaseline" which is the baseline used in the view.

To use these parameters in the grid you must fist define them in the grid XML:


                <Parameter caption="xxx" name="pBaseline" >





                <Parameter caption="xxx" name="pSelected" >






After you have added this to the grid definition you should be able to reference the baseline as $pBaseline.

Best regards





Hi Bashar,

For the RM Plus Light view you have a few hardcoded parameters which value is set by the view:

- "pSelected" which is the selected requirement

- "pBaseline" which is the baseline used in the view.

To use these parameters in the grid you must fist define them in the grid XML:


                <Parameter caption="xxx" name="pBaseline" >





                <Parameter caption="xxx" name="pSelected" >






After you have added this to the grid definition you should be able to reference the baseline as $pBaseline.

Best regards


1 person likes this

Thanks a lot Martin that awesome and exactly what I want.

Best regards


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