There may be occasions when you need to update the configuration of an item view. If it is a config item view, e.g., grid, graph, report, etc., you may chose to take out a new version of the config item, or you may simply make your changes in the existing version of the config item. For built-in item views, changes are made via the configurations in Configure the explorer.
Regardless of the type of item view, if an item view button has been configured for the view using the Item ribbon tab feature, and you want the button to point to the newer/updated version of the view, the <ItemView> for the button in the Item ribbon tab configuration will need to be refreshed. Also, if you take out a new version of a config item view, and the button uses the xID of the config item as shown below, the button configuration will need to be updated with the new xID.
<ItemView name="Grid" configItem="x3400000000047C08"/>
This is not necessary if the Ref id for a config item view is being used instead of an xID, although the Item ribbon tab configuration will still need to be refreshed:
<ItemView name="Grid" configItem="JSPR:Named Releases"/>
This article describes how to update an item view button and how to refresh buttons on the ribbons.
- Familiar with the SystemWeaver meta model building blocks (e.g., Items, Parts and Attributes)
- Familiar with the SystemWeaver Explorer Interface and common operations
- Familiar with SystemWeaver Report Generation
- An installation of the SystemWeaver Explorer client (swExplorer)
- Knowledge of XML (A good resource is w3schools' XML tutorials)
- Assignment of the SW Architect role in the server
- Creating Item View Buttons
Updating the xID in a Config Item View Button
If you take out a new version of a config item and want the button to point to the new version, you may need to update the Item ribbon tab configuration. This is only necessary if you are using the config item's xID in the button configuration. To update a button's configItem xID, navigate to File > Configure the explorer > Features > Item ribbon tab.
Click Edit configuration to access the ribbon configuration XML editor. Find the line with the <ItemView> for the button that needs to be updated, and update the xID value. Click Save.
Refreshing Buttons
Regardless of whether an <ItemView> button is using an xID or a Ref id, when you take out a new version of the view, or modify an existing version of any item view for which there is a button, if you want the button to point to the updated view during your existing session, you must "refresh" the button by opening up the ribbon configuration and clicking Save as shown above. This will refresh it in your current session. Any other users who are currently logged in to the server will need to log out and back in to the client to obtain the updated button.