This article describes how to add and modify the enumeration attribute values in an existing enumeration attribute. 

The values are those presented to users for selection.

Array of Enumeration

Single Enumeration


Using the swArchitect client, log in to the server. 

Navigate to the Attributes tab and find the attribute to be updated in the list. 

Double-click or right-click and select Edit to open the Edit attribute type dialog.

Adding a New Value

To add a new value, click Add

Enter the value in the Name field. 

Color and Description are optional.

The right-click menu in the table also provides the Add option as well as options to insert new values above or below an existing value or to move values up or down in the list. 

Click OK to save your new value. 

Log in to the server using swExplorer to verify that the new value is available. 

Modifying an Existing Value

To change an existing value, select the value to change and make your modification.

Click OK to save your value and close the dialog. 

Log in to the server using swExplorer to verify that the modified value is available. 

If an item has the old value, there will be a red warning indicator next to the attribute editor to indicate that the value is not valid. Invalid values are only displayed in the editor for items that have the invalid value as shown above. Cleanup of these values, if desired, can be done by running a search for all items with this value using the XML option in the Find items dialog, example:

<Filter><ItemAttributeCompare sid="FPBO" value="0003"/></Filter>

Then, copy the items to your clipboard and complete a batch update of the attribute. See Attributes: Work with Item and Part Attributes in A Single View for batch updating instructions. They values can also be changed one at a time. 

Deleting an Existing Value

To delete an existing value, select the value to delete and click Remove. There is also a Remove all option if all values are to be deleted. 

Note:In the same way as described above for modified values, if an item has the deleted value, there will be a red warning indicator next to the attribute editor to indicate that the value is not valid.