To help diagnose potential internet connectivity issues, the swExplorer has two latency indicator tools - a Trace option and a client-server latency indicator.


  • You must be logged in to the server to obtain results.


The Trace call option in the swExplorer client displays various reading times between client and server to verify latency.

Navigate to the Welcome > About tab. Click on the Trace button. 

The Trace result dialog currently displays four reading times: 

  1. The 1st result (<DB>) is the roundtrip time from the TcpSubServer to the database. 
  2. The 2nd result (<swServerAPI.TswBroker>) is the roundtrip time from the top of the TcpSubServer through the server to the database and back up. 
  3. The 3rd result (<<TcpSubServer.SWCallProcedure>) is the roundtrip time from the swDBServer through the servers to the database and back up. 
  4. The fourth result is the roundtrip time from the Client API through the servers to the database and back up again.

Latency Indicator

The Latency indicator on the Status bar at the bottom right of the application shows the approximate time it takes to go from the client application to the SystemWeaver server application and back. It displays at all times from anywhere in the application.

Typical Approximate Latency Times

In milliseconds (ms)

Below are typical latency times under normal load conditions.

Server and client on same machine 0
Server and client on different machines in near geographical location8-18
Server and client on different machines in far away geographical locationapprox. 100

Tip: When a client is located geographically far away from a Server, there will be inherent network latency which may affect performance. Latency should be studied during implementation and be as low as possible. In cases of high latency, e.g., 75+ ms, the use of a mirror server(s) should be considered.