Once review tasks have been performed, the review comments can be reviewed by the appropriate person and a determination can be made as to which adjustments, if any, need to be completed. Once all comments have been responded to, and all review tasks have been completed, the review can be closed. 

This article provides an example of how to use the Review Support views to complete this process. 


  • An installation of the SystemWeaver Explorer client (swExplorer) version R35 or later
  • The SystemWeaver SWExtension.ReviewSupport extension view has been configured and activated by an Architect
  • The SWExtension.ReviewSupport extension file is located in the Client's swExplorerExtensions directory
  • Access to an existing Project in SystemWeaver where the review is performed
  • The review and its tasks have been created and the review has been performed
  • The comments made as a result of the view have been assigned to the appropriate person for review 

Reviewing Comments

Selecting the Review

To review comments, you will first need to select the item in the structure tree that is linked to the review, and then load the Review Support view. The view is accessible via menu options on the ribbon that have been configured by an Architect. An option becomes available when an item is selected for which the view has been configured. Below is an example of a configured option. 

Example Menu Option

The view is also available via the View drop-down at the bottom of the list by ribbon group name. 

Next, select the review task that was worked on. When you do this, any comments that were made will display below it. In the below example, the "Add Spare Values for signals" task has been selected. Below it, you can see that two comments - "Issue with attribute value" and "Check illustration" were added during the review. 

Responding to Review Comments

To determine the next step, review the Description and Status for each comment. One of the above comments has a Status of "Action Required", and the other has "No Action Required".

Below are some example work processes. 

Example 1 - Action Required

If the comment indicates that action is required, as is the case in the above example for the "Issue with attribute value" comment, you may decide to create a new version of the linked item (in this example, "SystemExample") so that you can modify the item. Then, you can link the new item to the comment. You can also enter comments in the Description. So, the process might look something like this: 

New Version and Replace

Add Comment and set Status to "Correction accepted"

Example 2 - No Action Required

Going back to the first example, the "Check illustration" comment has a Status of "No Action Required". So you may just take a look at the comments in the Description, and determine that nothing else needs to be done. 

Once your review of comments is completed, the Status of each comment should in some manner indicate that it has reached the end of the Comments workflow.

Marking the Review Task as Completed

Once all comments have been reviewed, and all actions completed, the review task can be set to its final status. In the below example, the "Add Spare Values for signals" task currently has a Status of "Started". The two comments linked to the task have been reviewed and no further actions are needed. 

Since these are the only two comments made, and based on the statuses, the natural next step may be to change the Status on the review task to "Performed" or some other status indicating that the task is done. 

The above scenarios are only examples, and how responses are made to feedback depend, of course, on your agreed upon work process. 

Closing a Review

Once all comments have been acted upon in some manner so that all review tasks and comments in a review have reached the end of their workflows, the review itself can be marked as done. This is done using the Review Setup view. 

To close the review, you will first need to select the item in the structure tree that is linked to the review, and then load the Review Setup view. Once you confirm that all review tasks have been performed, you can set the Status of the review to Performed as shown in the example below.

Deleting Comments

The Review Support view provides an easy way to delete comments from a review task. Load the review and then find and select the task that has the comment you want to delete. Click the located at the bottom far right of the comment

Click Yes to confirm the comment deletion. 

The comment is now deleted from the database. 

Things to Consider

  • Remember that all users performing review tasks must have "Write" access to the review project.
  • All review tasks and comments, and all relationships between them that are created via the view are also viewable and editable via Projects. The below example shows a selected Comment issue with its linked Item "SystemExample", and its one linked task.