Geared for SystemWeaver Architects, the Complete Part Types view can assist Architects in their work of setting up and analyzing defined view settings for the structure tree. When selected, the view analyzes the visible item types in the structure tree for a chosen view setting and displays the part types available for these visible item types. It also indicates whether they are set to be displayed or not in the selected view setting. The view is used for analysis only. Subsequent changes to view settings are done by Architect users as described in Configure Tree View Settings.


  • The Complete Part Types view is set to "Active" in Configure the Explorer.
  • Defined view settings exist for the item structure selected. A system "Default" view setting is always available.
    Note that the Complete Part Types view is, however, not applicable if items are opened from the clipboard and do not have any structure.

The Complete Part Types view can be accessed via the View drop-down list. 

The View drop-down in Complete Part Types will display all of the defined view settings for the selected item structure. Select the one that you want to analyze.

The grid will display the following information about the parts in the structure. 

Item Type 

The item type that owns the part type. Note that this can be an item type higher up in the inheritance hierarchy than what is present in the structure tree. When you select an item in the tree, it will highlight in gray in the view, and all part types of the selected item (type) will be indicated in green in the column to the left. If the selected item type is a sub-type of an abstract item type in the meta model, the abstract item type will be displayed in its place. 

Item Type Abstract

Indicates whether or not the item type is abstract.

Item Type Deprecated

Indicates whether or not the item type is deprecated.

Part Type

Shows the name of the part type. Note that Description Reference is displayed as a part type to the "Item" item type. As a rule of thumb, you do not want to have Description Reference turned on in a tree view. It can substantially increase loading times for users.

Part Type SID

Shows the part type SID.

Part Type Deprecated

Indicates whether or not the part type is deprecated.

Def Type

Shows the item type that the part type points to.


Indicates whether or not the part type is visible in the selected view setting. 

Sort on-the-fly by clicking on a column header. 

Filtering can be done by selecting a value(s) using the Filter tool in the column header or by using the filtering row marked in the below picture to simplify the work of identifying missing part types in the view settings.

There is also a Filter Editor available. 

If you modify a view setting while you have the Complete Part Types view loaded, you will need to refresh the view to display your recent changes. 

Note: The Complete Part Types view is an extension. Depending on your SystemWeaver set-up, it may not be available.