No longer supported. |
Name | Description | Issue ID |
32 bit Server applications terminated | From this release forward, the server applications will be supplied as 64-bit versions only. Any current use of a 32-bit version can be replaced by the use of the corresponding 64-bit version. | |
All References: Sorting order | There is now a sorting order in All References that makes sense. Referencing items are now sorted according to Item type, then according to Version. | [11745] |
Attachments: Improvement in import | The performance of importing attachments as part of the SystemWeaver XML import has been improved. | [11686] |
Attribute types GetColor exception | Previously IswAttributeType.GetColor() threw a NullReferenceException for the white color. This has now been fixed. | [11750] |
Attribute types usage location | Since Release R20 it has been possible in the swArchitect to see where a specific attribute type is used: for item types and part types. Refer to the Help manual for further details. (The section "The Attributes tab") | [10147] |
CMS Projects and the Admin role | Due to a change of access policies in Release R21, Admin users (according to the Administrator role) could not open all Projects. This has now been changed. Admin users now have full access to all Projects. | [9772] |
Clone View: Incorrect handling of Description references | For the Clone view, some scenarios where Description references were handled incorrectly have been fixed. | [10716, 10717, 10718] |
Clone view: Library option | The Clone item view has an option to place the cloned items in the same library as the original items thus giving them the same access rules as the original items: | [11487] |
Column charts in configurable charts | <ColumnChart> The ColumnChart tag defines a so called Column Chart or Bar Chart. <ColumnChart caption="" multiBar=""> The attribute multiBar defines the behavior of the chart. multiBar="side" results in multiple bars, side by side, in groups. multiBar="stacked" [default] results in bars stacked on top of each other. Note that the definition of the bars is based on AddToSlice, analogously to the example given below for PieCharts. | [11462] |
Configurable Graph: Edge and caption | This fixes an issue in Configurable Graph where when you set the caption attribute on edges you previously only had access to the information making up 'to' and 'from' of the edge. The scope reachable when adding the caption has now been expanded. | [11351] |
Configurable Graph: Truncation of group node text | In configurable graphs, long group node texts were getting truncated. This issue has been resolved by adding text wrapping to group node header text blocks. | [11119] |
Description template meta model missing | This fixes an issue where description template meta model was missing in new databases. Item type JDRT Attribute type DRTR - type: RVF These types can now be added to an installation by using a feature in "Configure the Explorer". | [11384] |
Fault Tree: Error with some configurations | This fixes an object reference issue when working with Fault Trees in one configuration. | [11720] |
Fault Tree: Transfer Out symbol | In a printed Fault Tree graph there is now an option to include a Transfer Out symbol, using a new attribute transferOut. By default the item name is used for the label of the Transfer Out symbol, but the configuration of the Fault Tree Analysis view offers an option to use an item attribute value instead, which may be preferred when very long names are used. In the example below the tree is truncated at the level of two tree gates, and then continues at that level in the tree with a new fault tree image. The labels of the Transfer In and Transfer Out symbols "connects" the parts of the fault tree. Example: <Report> <Extension name="SWExtension.FaultTreeGraph" maxTreeHeight="2" transferOut="false"/> <!-- do nothing special since this level is covered in tree graph--> <ForEach select="/2IFW/2IFI/2IFI[SID!='2CET']"> <ApplyTemplate name="SubTree"/> </ForEach> <Template name="SubTree"> <Extension name="SWExtension.FaultTreeGraph" maxTreeHeight="2" transferOut="true"/> <!-- do nothing special since this level is covered in tree graph--> <ForEach select="/2IFI/2IFI[SID!='2CET']"> <ApplyTemplate name="SubTree"/> </ForEach> </Template> <ItemTemplate type="2CET"> <!-- No action for events --> </ItemTemplate> <ItemTemplate type="I"> <Text>Missing Template for #{Type.Name}</Text> </ItemTemplate> </Report> Result: Refer to the Help manual for further information, and how to configure the Fault Tree Analysis view. Note that the Transfer Out is used also in the Fault Tree graph view, for a slightly different purpose: to indicate that an event is also used as input to some other part of the fault tree. | [11537, 11600] |
Fault Tree: Node item indication in tree | The Fault Tree Analysis view now supports selection of tree nodes, including indication in the Item structure tree: | [11601, 11620, 11593] |
Fault Tree: Truncation option | In the Fault Tree analysis view, the complete fault tree is always displayed. The size of a fault tree should not be any problem since the view supports scrolling and zooming, as well as selection of a sub tree in the item structure tree. In a printed document, however, there is always a need to make sure that any printed fault tree fits on a single page, while still being readable. To support this, the extension report tag SWExtension.FaultTreeGraph now can include an attribute that controls the depth of the printed fault tree. A sample full tree may look like this in a report: XML: <Extension name="SWExtension.FaultTreeGraph" maxTreeHeight="2" /> Result: Note that normally the truncated sub trees would be included in a report as separate fault tree pictures. | [11467, 11600] |
Find for User attributes | It is now possible to search for specific User attribute values, using the Find dialog. | [11227] |
Graphs: Double-clicking on node | Double-clicking on a node in a Graph view now means that the corresponding item in the item structure tree gets selected. The new feature, when set up correctly*, means that navigation by double-clicking is possible in a Graph view. (To navigate back in the structure the Back button is required.) If the selected item is not visible in the item structure tree, then the item will be opened in a new tab. * "correctly" here means that the current Graph view should also be supported for the node items of the graph. Alternatively, separate Graphs for different item types should be available under a common Merge Button. Double click on node in Graph: Instantly selects and opens the selected node: | [11660] |
Graphs: New shapes | The Graphs view now supports custom node shapes: Note that the shapes that do not support any size specification are those that are assumed always meant be displayed in a fixed size. | [11348, 11475, 11450, 11476, 11132] |
Graphs: Optional graph node headers | By default a Graph group node has a gray header that displays the name of the node: The headers can now be eliminated from the graphs, by using a new option in the <NodeStyle> graph tag: <NodeStyle nodeHeader="false"/> Result: | [11659] |
Graphs: Problem with Full Screen mode | The Full Screen (F11 key) mode available for the Graph view did not work properly. This problem has been fixed for the R24 release. | [11469] |
Grid View: Adding parts | It is now possible to automatically create parts when a part attribute value is set in the Grid view, using an OccurrenceAttributeColumn (Previously this was only possible in an OccurrenceColumn.). This way the (underlying) part structures can be built automatically when setting attribute values in a grid. Read more about the new possibility in the Help manual. Note that due to technical limitations, attribute types are not supported for which the attribute editors use a pop-up dialog. | [10892, 11743] |
Grid View: Specify placement of icons | It is now possible to specify that an icon should be included in one of the Grid columns. The inclusion of the icon is specified in the column definition by the icon attribute: <ItemNameColumn width="200" icon="true"/> Example: | [11219] |
Hazard identification: Add existing mapping for hazards and hazardous events | The Hazard Identification view now is able to add existing mapping for hazards and hazardous events. This means that the view now supports, copy and paste mapping items to the grids for hazards, in Hazards tab and hazardous events, in hazardous events tab.![]() | [11298,11360] |
Hints for Merge Buttons | In the configuration of the SystemWeaver client, there is an option to "merge" different views into a single ribbon button. The merge button will become available whenever an item is selected that is applicable to any of the views that is being merged. The new option is described in the Help manual, for the <MergeButton> option. | [11517] |
Issues view: Export of issues | It is now possible to export issues from the item Issues view as well:![]() | [11459] |
Issues: Export and import | There is now support for exchange of CMS Issues in the Project Actions view, using the SystemWeaver XML format. If any linked items have also been exchanged prior to the exchange of issues then the item-issue relationships will also be established in the target database. Refer to the Help menu for further details. | [10955, 10962, 11038, 11039] |
Issues: Notification e-mail | Until now, when a new issue is created, and the Description, issue Status and Assigned to was set in the New Issue dialog, the Assigned to value was saved first by the dialog, meaning that the first notification email lacked description any and status values. This has now been corrected. | [11431] |
Item id with context in "Open item" | This fixes an issue with opening items using id with context using Open Id menu. | [11460] |
Item renaming using F2 | Until now the F2 key, used in the Item Structure Tree, has been used for changing part names. (While item names have always been changed in the Overview header.) In case parts name are not allowed for the part type, F2 would not be active. Now F2 is always used for changing the item name in the structure tree. Part names are now instead changed in the Parts view. If part names are enabled, for the part type of the selected part, F2 will yield a small warning, that part names are changed in the Parts view. | [8066] |
Item Status when no read rights | Until now, the Status for an item has displayed as 'Frozen' when a user does not have read access rights:![]() ![]() | [11519] |
Meta model diff: Exception when reading XML file | A bug has been fixed in the Meta model diff where in some circumstances an exception was thrown when reading a metadata file. | [11761] |
Part List Editor: Add here | The Part List Editor now has a right-click option, "Add here" that is used for inserting itmes in a specific location of the list.![]() | [11618] |
Part List Editor: Move part fix | This fixes a bug where moving parts up and down using ALT+UP/DOWN resulted in the selected part losing focus. | [11629] |
Patent Information | The About view now includes patent information about SystemWeaver:![]() | [11773] |
Path method MaxByDate | There is a new Path Query method called MaxByDate that returns the objects from the list with the latest date property. Syntax: [a].MaxByDate(a -> date) -> [a] Example: /IRRS.MaxByDate(LastChanged) Result: Returns the Document Section that was changed most recently. | [11598] |
Pie Charts in Reports | It is now possible to include pie charts in SystemWeaver reports. Note that for technical reasons the layout of the diagram differs slightly from the pies of Charts views. For example the labels of the different slices are printed within each slice. Example: <Report> <PieChart> <Counter> <AddToSlice name="first"/> <AddToSlice name="second"/> <AddToSlice name="third"/> </Counter> </PieChart> </Report> Result: ![]() | [10508] |
Reports: Specifying margins when printing | It is now possible to specify the margins to be used in reports, when printed. Example: <Report> <Options> <PrintPageBoundary/> <TitlePageText x="150" y="6500">A text</TitlePageText> <Margins left="30" top="10" right="13" bottom="10"/> </Options> <Section title="Introduction"> </Section> <Section title="Chapter 1"> <Section title="This is a section"> </Section> <Section title="This is another section"> </Section> </Section> </Report> Result: ![]() | [11458] |
Reports: Table of contents page numbering | When choosing print preview for a report, the page numbering is now calculated and displayed.![]() | [10633] |
Test Case Editor: Button display issue | This fixes an issue where the Add sequence button was not displaying when screen resolution was set to 125%. | [11510] |
TestSequenceList includeCommment="false" | It is now possible to choose whether to include or exclude the comment column for the TestSequenceList tag by using the attribute: includeComments="false" <TestSequenceList includeComments="false"/> | [11311] |
Tool-tip requirement for all menu options | All menu options on the tab ribbons will now have a tool-tip. At a minimum, they will display the caption. This is especially helpful when there are many menu options configured and the client is minimized to only display icons. | [11520] |
Tree View: Version display issue | This fixes an issue where all versions of a tree view setting (config-item) were being displayed in the Tree Views drop-down. | [11695] |
Versions: Issue with Compare display | This fixes an issue where the Compare pop-up for the Versions Compare of Attributes displayed Chinese characters. | [11744] |
Versions view: Diff on attribute values | Since the R20 release the Versions view supports diff on attribute values. Example: ![]() ![]() | [10019] |
Versions view: Incorrect display of merged versions | This fixes a bug where merged version chains appeared incorrectly in the Versions view's version tree. | [11556] |
XML Export of config items | it is now possible to include all config items (reports, graphs, grids etc.) when exporting the meta model from the SystemWeaver architect.![]() | [11457] |
XML Export including attachments | Since the R23 release, there is support for including item attachments as part of an XML export. The attachments are included in a ZIP file along with the exported XML file. Read more about this in the Help manual. | [10677] |
XML Export with limited meta model | There is a new option in the XML export where the included meta model covers only the types of the exported content (item types, part types, attribute types). | [11689] |
XML Export: Sequence ID and group XML export | This fixes an issue where the sequence ID for the identity attributes was not included in SystemWeaver XML export in swExplorer and swArchitect. Because of this, import into another database was not possible. | [11367] |
XML Generation of RVF* | The XML generation now supports generation of RVF* into XML, encoded as the base64 zipped RVF format used in the SystemWeaver XML exchange format. Read more about this option in the Help manual. *Rich View Format - The native formatted text format of SystemWeaver | [11770] |
XML Import: Incorrect warning | Improvement of warning message for XML Import when importing config items that are configured for part types. | [11491] |
XML Import: Invalid previous version | This fixes an issue where attempts to import an item that is invalid, such as an invalid item type, failed and were marked as ignored but subsequent attempts to import the same invalid item type were treated differently. The fix ensures that later versions are marked as incorrect with ignore. | [8338] |
XML Import: Issue with filtering on namespace | This fixes an issue where filtering on namespace did on work in Import from SystemWeaver XML. | [11498] |