When the use of iterations is activated for a project, the Iteration property will display in the Issue Editor. In addition, you can display the iterations in issue views. If after activating Iterations in a project, you decide you do not want to use Iterations, you can remove the use of them. This article describes how to do this.


Removing all Issues from all Iterations

You will first need to make sure that there are no issues assigned to an iteration. To do this: 

  1. First, click Show closed iterations. This ensures that ALL iterations are in view.
  2. Be sure to include the Iterations in an issue view, as shown in the below view configuration.
  3. Then, (batch) select the issue(s) that are assigned to an iteration, and click the Clear button to the right of the Iteration in the Issue Editor. In the below example, the assignment to the "Backlog" iteration for the selected issues is being cleared.

  4. Repeat the above step for all iterations, until there are no longer issues assigned to any open or closed iterations. Below is the same view as above, with all issues removed from the 3 iterations.

Deleting all Iterations

You can now delete all of the iterations. 

  1. Select all of the empty iterations. The Iterations Properties editor will display to the right.
  2. Click Delete. (If the Delete option is grayed out, the iteration either contains issues still, or you do not have "Change" rights to the project. )

As a result of this step, the Iterations ribbon group will be removed, and the iterations feature will no longer be activated for the project. You can always turn on the use of iterations again. 

Removing Iterations from Views

Since iterations are no longer in use, you will need to edit each issue view that displays iterations to remove the Iterations tag.