This article describes how to respond to a ticket.

Respond to a Ticket Email

There are two ways to reply to a ticket when you receive an email from the Support Ticketing system. 

Using Reply or Replay all

Use the Reply or Reply All buttons. You can add cc recipients to your reply email if they are not already cc recipients.

Use the Ticket URL in the Email

Click on the ticket URL in the email you are wanting to reply to. This will take you to the support portal where you can log in (if you aren't already logged in).


Your reply becomes part of the ticket. And, the cc recipients will receive the email and an email from the portal that includes the reply.

Any new cc recipients will be added to the ticket as default cc recipients of future ticket updates unless manually removed each time a response is created. Likewise, you can forward the email thread to another person and cc another recipient as well. This will also add the people as default cc recipients on the ticket updates. 

Reply to Ticket as a CC Recipient

A cc recipient on a ticket can reply to a ticket Using Reply or Replay all as described above in Respond to a Ticket Email. Even if they only reply to SystemWeaver, the Requestor of the ticket will receive an email with the content of the reply. 

If, as a cc recipient, you do not have a support portal account, you will be unable to use the ticket URL in the email to reply to the ticket via the support portal.